So I just read the news that Assassin's Creed is not going to be a PS3 exclusive and will become a PC game. You know, I take that as good news. I plan on being a PS3 owner on the day of release. My PC is not good enough to play games being released now so it will have no chance in playing that. I also don't plan on buying a 360 any time soon. So why do I see it as good news?
Uhh...cause that means more people are going to get what looks like a pretty damned good game. If more people get that game, then that means that the video game industry does well. If the game industry is doing well then potentially cost of games for the next gen will go well. In the end it means good especially if the game is good quality.
So why are people arguing over the game being exclusive or not and then basically turning it into a what system is best argument. This is totally stupid!! More people buy good games, then more good games will get made, right? I know it's simplified but that's how I consider it in my book.
The whole exclusivity thing is such a stupid thing to argue about. I mean unless the developers say it will be out on the system then don't assume it will. Just wait till they say it will be out. I mean all these people saying Assassin's Creed will be out on the 360. That would be like me just saying Dead Rising will be out on the PS3. It's stupid to say so because as far as I know Capcom have not stated anything about there being a PS3 version.
Maybe I'm just fanning the flames but the whole exclusivity thing has been thrown about too much recently and then just taken out of context. I'm sorry for using Microsoft as examples, but they're all I have at the moment. I'm pretty sure the same things happen with Sony and Nintendo.
Just do what I do. Ignore the exclusivity sticker on games. Often or not several months later the game will come out on another system and if not, then if you want the game enough, buy the console. That's what I did with Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast.
EDIT: Ok, NOW you can say Assassin's Creed is coming to the 360 because they have officially confirmed it. But now I'm reading the comments and it's just bringing up the whole console war again and again the closed-mindedness of people. Sony fanboys saying the game will be "hindered" (WTF!?!?!) or saying they don't care about the game anyway (Are you a dumbass, this game looks great?) and the Microsoft guys are all going on about how it's one up for the 360 and one less reason to buy a PS3 (I can think of plenty of reasons why I want a PS3).
You know what, if these guys are really concerned about how the game is gonna look. They should just buy a PC. Don't know what you lot think but of the two games I've seen on both PC and 360 (Prey and Oblivion), the PC version pwns over the 360 with high-end specs, and I predict it will do the same with Assassin's Creed.
I hate how I bring this up again, but it really does infuriate me. Do people really have nothing better to do then quote their fact sheets on why the system they like is better than anything else. I seriously think they have some document saved to the computer with a list of facts, and they just copy and paste them.
I dunno. Assassin's Creed looks like a great game, and I can't wait to get it. I'm not gonna give a damn what those people say anymore because I know what I enjoy and if I need to start going to them for opinions, then I seriously have something wrong with me and I should just kill myself now!
Thank you. ^_^