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Probably one of the best months ever, for gaming. I haven't posted in a while, so I'll keep you guys updated with games I've been playing recently.

Rock Band (X360, PS2, PS3)

This game is far from recent, but I only just bought it. It costs around $159.99 + tax, but it's definitely a great game to buy (especially if you have XBOX Live). The online is flawless. There's a lot to say about Rock Band, but you probably know it all. It's four player, one lead guitarist, one bassist, one vocalist, and one drummer... and you...... just ... play. But yeah, if you can afford it, purchase it, and play the hell out of it.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii)

OK, so this game probably doesn't deserve all the attention its getting, nor did it deserve all the ratings it got... That doesn't make it a bad game; far from that! It's actually pretty fun, with the huge roster, competitive play (although significantly less from Melee), and its online (which is laggy at some times, but it's fun with friends). Meh, my grammar took a huge slide in that last sentence. Brawl is a nice game to play; got me hooked for quite a long time. If you have a Wii, this is a must-have game. If you're anything like me, you've been neglecting your Wii ever since Mario Galaxy; but this will bring your attention back to it.

Ninja Gaiden Black (XBOX)

If you're a fan of any hack 'n slash... or in fact, a fan of any action game....... get.. this... game.... I never beat this game when I first got it, but decided to play it recently... I don't know why I stopped, because this game is _______ awesome. The story is played out fairly well, although you'll barely care to recognize it while playing the game. The gameplay is where its at. Awesome combos, and everything you do feels fluid and... "epic", should I say.

Also, note to the people who compare Devil May Cry with Ninja Gaiden. I can see how you guys do it. They play fairly similarly, but I like both of these series equally, and I wouldn't put one over the other. You guys have your own opinion, and that's great, but I would personally put both of these series up there, in my top 10.

The World Ends With You (DS)

Hm.... For me, this game was easy to appreciate, but hard to like, if you get what I mean. Creative concepts, unique controls, nice art, and amazing storyline... all bogged down by one thing; repetitive gameplay. Some people might not agree with me, and I respect their opinion. Pins are fun to use, and there are many different pins that a person can pick from, most of which do different things. I loved this game; and then it started to grow old. I respect it for trying something new and engaging; especially the two-screen combat engine; the "Stride Cross Battle System".

My first impression of this game was positive. "The atmosphere is awesome, the environment looks great, I'll love this storyline,... this guy looks like Sora," That's how it turned out, all the way until the end, but like I said, the gameplay is repetitive, and that really hurts the game for me. The music is nice, though. The game has a lot of replay value; tons of bonus misions and "secret reports" that you collect after you beat the game... but if you're anyone like me, you won't have the patience to go back to this game.

Oldschool Games

Ninja Gaiden (NES, WiiVC)

...WHY IS THIS GAME SO HARD? WHY THE _______ IS THIS GAME SO HARD? That said, play it. :D

Ninja Gaiden is a sidescrolling platformer. The player takes control of Ryu Hayabusa, a ninja, and he's damn ready to kick some ass. Give him a sword, and take him to places that require the most precise jumps ever, and top that with powerful bosses... and you have Ninja Gaiden. Have you ever played the new Megamans? Died against the last boss and have to do the Boss Rush again? Sorta sucks, eh? That's what will happen in Ninja Gaiden, but in this game, you'll have to play the whole game over again.


Earthbound (SNES)

Probably one of the most underplayed franchises in videogame history. It's hard to describe. It's... a turn-based RPG.... with witty dialog, witty humor, lovable characters, and somehow, amazing gameplay. It's got some sort of charm that will attract you to it; undescribable. But definitely play it; if you've ever enjoyed an RPG, chances are you'll enjoy this one. ...and Nintendo? Where's our Mother 3? :(

Honourable Mentions

N+ (X360)
Okami (PS2, Wii)

Games that I don't have yet... but damn, do I want them.

Ninja Gaiden 2 (X360)
Grand Theft Auto 4 (X360, PS3)
Mario Kart Wii (Wii)

Exciting games that are coming out this month.

Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) [June 12th]
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 : Grimoire of the Rift (DS) [June 24th]
Dragonball Z : Burst Limit (X360, PS3) [June 10th]
Etrian Odyssey 2 : Heroes of Lagaard (DS) [June 17th]
Mega Man Star Force 2 : Zerker x Ninja/Saurian (DS) [June 24th]
Rock Band (Wii) [June 22nd]
Alone in the Dark (Wii, X360, PS3) [June 24th]
Guitar Hero Aerosmith (Wii, X360, PS3) [June 29th]
Guitar Hero On Tour (DS) [June 22nd]
Battlefield : Bad Company (X360, PS3) [June 23rd]
Command & Conquer 3 : Kane's Wrath (X360) [June 23rd]
Supreme Commander (X360) [June 23rd]
Naruto : Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 : The Phantom Fortress (PSP) [June 24th]

Feel free to add to the list in your comments.

Anyways... I spent too long on this blog post already.. EXAMS!

