Devil May Cry 4 and Audiosurf.
Honestly, these games have gotten me hooked for the past week. Can't put them down. I'd recommend them strongly to anyone... ANYONE.
Audiosurf can be bought on Steam for $9.99. It's a rhythm game; one where you can import your own songs and play them. It's got online leaderboards, and well... words can't do it justice. amd neither can pictures. IGN gave it an 8.5, saying that it was a great game with great value. Seriously..... you guys should really, really get it.
Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 4, ah... one of my favorite games. I was going to post a walkthrough on GS, but I got lazy. It isn't the best DMC game, but it's definitely a solid one. Combos are vast, weapons are great, difficulty is fun and challenging on the harder difficulties. I actually got this game a while back. A long while back. 2 days after release; while back. Oh well, I just never mentioned it. Anyways, I recommend this game to anyone who likes the action game genre... in fact, I recommend it to anyone in general, except.... under 15s.
Be sure to keep a lookout on my reviews; I'll write one for DMC4, Audiosurf, and DMC3 sometime in the near future.
Gamewatch (Recent upcoming games that look VERY good.)
Super Smash Brothers Brawl (March 9th)
Ninja Gaiden - Dragon Sword (March 20th)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates (March 11th)
Metal Gear Solid - The Essential Collection + Baroque (March 18th)
Okami (March 25th)
Army of Two (March 4th)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (March 18th)
Condemned 2 (March 11th)
If you want, leave a comment and mention the games I forgot to mention (note, these are only on the systems I own, Wii, DS, PS2, and Xbox 360).
Anyways, it's time for me to go back to some gaming! Or ... homework. :(