So this is my first blog, and I'm relatively new to this, so bare with me.
PS: If you have any suggestions please let me know.
As you might have probably guessed, I'm talking about Yu Gi Oh! The title is the catch phrase of Jaden Yuki from Yu Gi Oh GX.
This tv series revolves around Jaden Yuki who is like the yugi moto of the series. I am not going to talk about the tv series(even though it rocks). I am going to talk about the different dueling strategies in the game and possible deck recipes which can practically guarantee a win!
First of all, it helps if you watched the tv series(it really does help). Why you might ask. It's because you learn about the different combinations the characters use.
For example,
Jaden Yuki teaches you the strength of elemetal heroes.
Zane truesdale uses cyber dragons.
Seto Kaiba utilizes the one, the only, BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON.
And many more decks to choose from.
It is very important to know that you have to be careful what cards to put in a deck. You have to make sure that each card can benefit the rest. Or else you leave everything up to chance. In case you havent noticed yet, most of the cards belong to a certain family. To understand what I mean, I shall give a few examples:
There are alot of cards that belong to the aincient gears, to the elemental heroes, to the cyber monsters(like cyber dragon and it's fusions).
Ok, enough talk. Let's start with the first deck recipe and it's my personal favorite
One thing you have to know is that the elemental heroes have limittless potential. Almost every elemental hero can be used in more than one fusion. BE CAREFUL, I do not mean elemental hero neos and the neo spacians(that's another deck)
* Elemental Hero Avian
* Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (x2)
* Elemental Hero Clayman
* Elemental Hero Sparkman (x2)
* Elemental Hero Bladedge (x2)
* Elemental Hero Necroshade
* Elemental Hero Stratos
* Elemental Hero Wildheart (x2)
* King of the Swamp (x3)
* Morphing Jar
* Elemental hero captain gold
Fusion Monsters
* Elemental Hero Darkbright
* Elemental Hero Electrum
* Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (x2)
* Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman
* Elemental Hero Plasma Vice(x2)
* Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster
* Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman (x2)
* Elemental Hero Tempest
* Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
* Elemental Hero Wild Wingman
* Elemental Hero Wildedge (x2)
* Burst Impact
* De-Fusion
* E – Emergency Call (x3)
* Fusion Recovery
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion (x3)
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization (x2)
* Premature Burial
* R – Righteous Justice (x3)
* Reinforcement of the Army (x2)
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* A Hero Emerges
* Hero Blast
* Hero Signal (x2)
* Mirror Force
* Torrential Tribute
This is more or less a good elemental hero deck. there are others and you can improve this deck by adding elemental heroes (monsters and fusions) with other spells.
Well, this is the first post, and I will keep adding more good deck recipes. Please state your opinions( even if it is criticism) and try these decks out!!!! The results might surprise you,
Remember, I didnt add the newest elemental heroes to this deck cuz I'm still trying to get the best combinations.
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