gimboxno / Member

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King of fighters

For some strange reason i still enjoy this game, i have been playing it for close to 15 years and i still enjoy it. Maybe its coz im stuck in my ways and refuse to change. I played kof 99 a lot it was my third favourite next to kof 94. i guess i never understood why, oh why did the makers change the format of kof after kof 95. i found the new sprites after that to be a bit erratic in movement and knee jerk like. Im still a big fan of the whole kof franchise but i never got past the jumpy and cartoonish movements in the sprites from kof96 onwards but at least im glad having seen parts of the new kof XII which seems to have brought back fuller sized sprites with more stable and mature movements maybe just maybe there is a chance that kof XII will break the spell of excellence that died in kof96 and onwards and maybe just maybe i can stop playin this wonderful jem that is king of fighters 1995 even though Heidern has been thrown on the backburner, i guess i'll settle for Terry and Ryo, "Power geyser!"