i bought king kong and was amazed, the t rex did not have a polygon in sight the body was completely round scales etc. i paid out just under 4 grand for a good surround sound, sanyo z4 projector and decent sub woofer cable and hi fi cables. playin that first game on a 5 foot screen in HD in 5.1 was the best, never forget it!!!!!
looking forward to this... i am 32 thought this was ace. arcade was better as you hade four players - lucky for me i have 3 other friends that love this game so cant wait. i loved the snes game which looked better than the arcade. they dont make games like this anymore... i suppose people want more fps games. anyway, for the price and it is arcade perfect i will buy deffo.. the ginger prince
hi all i love gears of war, and i love this too!. i really like the old school arcade gameplay like assualt heroes on live arcade. the graphics have slightly changed from the online demo, for the better (the pillars in the first level have steel bars extruding from the pillars etc). i have been playing this for about 4 hours and can say it i really good, the only thing is 1. he is very slow at walking (be aware as standard he is slow to aim, this can be changed in the options) 2. when getting blasted he takes his time to get to his feet, thus gets blasted again and you cannot do anything bout it! apart from that i love it, the large baddies are ace, i never realised that you could shoot their limps off! ginny
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