Welcome all to my first blog...Ill do a blog every Saturday night just to state the games i am playing,what I think of the console war,what I think about the future games, and some other stuff.
Right now im currently playing enternal sonanta (A Japanese role playing games)a great one at that and I highly recommend it to anybody.I'm 11 hours in and the game is just beautiful to look at and tons of fun to play.The attack system is great,the boss fights are awesome,and the story is entertaining.Another game I'm playing and is my favorite game of this gen is Heavenly sword.I'm about to finish it and the game is a blast to play.A little on the short side but the game is a keeperI know I will be playing it in the future.Ill have both those games reviewed by tomorrow.
Future games
This week ill be picking up Halo 3(what 360 owner isn't) at the midnight launch and is going to be a hell of a game.The multiplayer will entertain people for years and the singleplayer co-op is a great idea.I was going to pick up skate but I know I wont be putting halo 3 down for a while.
Console war
Right now none of the systems look great exclusive wise.It might change by November due to Zack and wiki,Rachet and clank,Halo 3,Folklore,and alot more games coming in October.Some multi-plats will sell alot like guitar hero,ace combat,and some others.sale wise I think the 360 will have a great week thanks to Halo 3.The ps3 and wii i expect to sell like it has been for the last month.
Thanks all who came to my blog ill be making one every Saturday and a review or 2 every Sunday.
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