gioneburnz's forum posts
Thanks alot for your help. Unfortunately I had installed the 1.1 update because I was hoping that it would fix the autolog issue.
I tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, I also installed that tiny 688kb patch twice now and still cannot play. Quite frustrating.
Anything else you guys can recommend me?
Hi everyone,
first off, thanks for your help. I recently bought NFS: Hot Pursuit and I cannot play the game unless I unplug my ethernet cable. If the cable remains connected, I remain stalled at the intro screen where it says " Connecting to Autolog Servers...Starting Autolog in Connected Mode".
I downloaded the 280mb 1.1 update (not sure if it installs automatically).
Please help me, I am quite frustrated.
Thanks in advance!
HANG EM HIGH! That was the best Halo Map and it was from HALO: CE . I know someone will make it in Forge by I would love it if Bungie officially re-made this map. It's weird that the community never speaks of this fantastic map. It's truly a classic.
Check this video, hang em high starts at 0:40 and low res :)
I'm not sure about the "recent file" thing. I agree that if I played on a map then I technically downloaded it, however what concerns me is if we get to save a map that the Halo fans make and keep store it on our hardrive PERMANENTLY. I'm sure the community is going to make some pretty incredible maps and I would LOVE to keep a bank of favorites.
Hey everyone, I just wanted to clarify something:
Will we be able to download other people's custom forge maps and play them on Reach? If so, how? I see how simple this could be on a pc (download map, put it in the map folder of your games directory) but I'm sceptic that a restricted platform like XBOX Live will allow downloading user made maps from the Halo Community.
I have a feeling we could only play the Host's map and once the host leaves, so does his or her map. Can I actually play a random person's map and save it on my xbox to play it locally?!
If someone could confirm that we could do this, I would really appreciate it! This is by far the most exciting feature that has EVER come to a console FPS.
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