@lamprey263: Retailers did that using covid as an excuse too. There was supposed to be some anti price gouging push by the government at one point, hopefully that work will continue.
GirlUSoCrazy's forum posts
@mrbojangles25: Yeah there's probably a lot of different stories they could do in that world without even involving any of the same characters. It's possible the show continues on when the game doesn't, they said the story would diverge.
They stopped making Uncharted games because they did everything they were inspired to do with the series, it's ok if that's the same situation with TLoU.
@Pedro: Well, nobody ever said they would pass any savings down to the customer, and evidently they didn't! But there was an assumption due to the associated fees and even retailers were worried about how much cheaper digital games would be.
@lamprey263: Speaking of that, digital was supposed to be cheaper than digital day one due to not having to manufacture and ship anything, but it was kept the same so there was no price incentive. If physical goes away, the prices might even increase because there will be no alternative.
@davillain: I'm guessing it won't affect other countries anyway, and if it happens here people will be p***ed. They were promised things would be less expensive, not more.
@davillain: Might be different considerations for different people. Some have families and friends that share games and are not loners. Also some appreciated the better deals on physical games than paying more for digital. The last PSN outage was also a reminder that all digital platforms go down at some point and affected people who mainly play digital more.
It will be a shame for boutique businesses like LimitedRun and other similar ones that do a lot of good things for the game industry, such as providing additional content, bringing back old games that wwre unavailable for people to buy again, publish new games from promising studios, and also provide jobs. These businesses depend on people buying physical games for their revenue. It would be unfortunate if gamers lost these sources of gaming content that people really did appreciate.
I guess only in the US? Probably could still import them from other countries. Some other countries have physical games at $100 and people keep buying them so I'm not sure what's stopping them from doing that here too. How much of a price increase are they talking about?
If they do get rid of physical then they need some sane digital policies like what Steam has. For refunding, family sharing, etc.
Without physical that also means lack of competition in sales and pricing. Maybe publishers should be able to issue and distribute their own keys to whatever digital stores they want so there are more options for that.
If they don't start working on that, it will only increase interest in the Open App Markets Act further along to allow for competing digital stores on each device that supports them. It's either get working on those options on more favorable terms, or be forced to do it on the terms of an authority.
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