For the past five months now I have gotten back into the world of life and work. I spent the last four years sufferning from panic attacks and have not worked since I was in College. It is a lot different working at twenty-seven at a Blockbuster than other jobs or things I have done in the past. My boss goes to our church, and can be a pain in the neck. I ask a question and I feel like a moron the way she answers back. Some things I have not done before and I still get things wrong once in a while. its amazing I sometimes don't do some things for a month or two and later on I kind of forget how to do it. Man, I can really feel like a moron sometimes when I mess up. But I guess that is the way with any job. I am just glad to be back into the working force instead of sitting at home worrying about health or suffering from panic attacks. It helps get me out of the house, gives me money to contribute to the house. For the first time in years I feel good about myself. But I still feel behind in life since I am close to Thirty and not living on my own. Reminds me of the old story of living with your mother in your forties :/
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