glasgow01 / Member

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glasgow01 Blog

Glas is back?

Ey lads and gals! Life is really busy and stuff, but I really wanna do more RPG in the Jedi Council Union. Its awesome :D So I'm gonna start writing again about my character, Matale Yn'gy =) The former chapters was really badly written, so I'm thinking about rewriting them as well. So hope you stay tuned for more from me and you'll find me here or in the Jedi Council Union mainly.


"So, it has all come to this..."

Well then I guess it's time. I logged on today and i saw the "You have been demoted" PM. And then I thought to myself, what a, i though that it was time. Time to stop hanging around on gamespot. I might check out the E3 thing but apart from that I won't be a Active poster anymore. So everyone I've been friends with. Thank for the great about 2 years together. You've been great! And a huge thanks to the Jedi Council Union which have been my "Home" on Gamespot.

Reason for quiting gamespot is not enough time next year. Last year on school and that is the one that counts, so i need to focus alot on school to get a propper education. Well thats all from me, and again, THANK YOU GS!

God Father, Son and The Holy Spirit

Well lately i've become more christian. I don't know what coused it really. But i began to go to church becouseI wanted to find out more about it andI was getting confirmated andI got a bible and thenI started to read it. It was amazing how..."interesting" the bible acctuly was and nowI read it every night beforeI go to bed. I've acctuly started to fully belive in God and Jesus. It really has changed my life in many ways. I'm more calm and i've got a more inner peace...My friends has noticed it to, and just laugh at my, but this has become a new lifestyle. I don't know why I wrote this, but I just felt for expressing myself.

Well another question: What do you people think about God and religion? i would aprisiate if someone replyed to this and said their opinion about religion. Do you guys go to church often, have you read the bible maybe? And, if you have another religion, i would like to hear about it and what it does to you.

Not as often as before

my school now takes more of my sparetime and that means lesser GS for me. I'm sorry that i can't be as active as before, but i really need to think about school now. I will drop by once in a while to check the status and stuff, but you as you know, i will not be as active as before. It's really sad, becouse ireally love posting, but i won't be gone forever, så hope you guys have fun without me ;)


New PC

at last...i have got a new computer, the old one was just crap, from 2000 or somethin, thats 7 years man! 7years! the new is pretty small, but as powerful as a normal....and the most important, it has vista, and thats good...I have hungered for a long time now for a new computer, but did i get one? now i'm happy :D i can't stop hugging my small cute PC :P oh's lovley...

Round 2 in Character Battle

I have acculy made it to round two in the jedi council union's character battle! I'm so pround and exited! go and check it out people, and vote for the profile you like the most! ;) it's really cool, you can of course vote for the guy you want and follow the tournament to the end ;)

Matale Yn'gy's Story (again)

Now i'll start to write again for you who cares! the next chapter is already finished, but wrote it on a different pc :S i guess it won't take long before it's out for release, so stay tune!

Sorry people

i'm really sorry for not beeing online for a while, but we are moving and I don't always have access to a computer, so thats the reason I havvent been online for a while ...but now i'll try to be more online :S

A little lazy...

there will be a while untill my next vol. on Matale's adventure come out couse i have to take a little break from writing right now :) but i'll start as soon as i come up with a great idea to the story ;)

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