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gleb2006 Blog

Finished building my PC

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I FINALLY FINISHED BUILDING MY PC! (Specs in previous post) Took a lot of time, went through thinking 3 parts were broken. First Power supply, but it worked on other PC so it was fine. Motherboard, but i was doing a dumb mistake (Would turn PSU on, but not PC itself.) And graphics card because my step father dropped it. Finally its built and i'm downloading the crysis demo as we speak. Also my 3DMark 06 score went from 800 to 12165


-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin

I wish i could block people

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They should really let you be able to block people, there are lots of nice people here, but every site has to have some ****


-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin

Sprained Ankle

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Hey everyone, I stopped by the doctor on Monday to check out if i really did have Osgood Shlatter, and I do o.O. The pain will be gone when i get older, but the bumps will be there forever o.O. Also when i woke up my ankle was killing me, and i had to walk through a day of class on it :(... When i went to the doctor I showed him my ankle and it was sprained, Ouch!


-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin

Oscgood Schlatter Disease

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Hey everyone, i found out i have Osgood Schlatter Disease, and i might have a serious case of it o.O Too much biking for me. Sorry for missing post, when they did the blog maintenence i couldn't post


-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin


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Today i didn't do much, but I do wonder, why does gamespot not let you edit? Or is it just me who can't find it. Had issues getting the computer yesterday (Shipping it to my uncle) and his adress wasn't associated with credit card, now it's all good :).


-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin

New computer!

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Btw it says is missed a day but its because of it GMT time

W00T i just ordered myself a new computer.
I need some opinions on how this is for a budget computer


(I got lucky, I've been wanting this processor, hard to find in stock and price dropped 50$ the day before i bought it, found it in stock when my stepdad asked me what kind of processor i wanted )

Graphics card
(Looks good to me since its a G92, better then some GTX's, only downside is memory interface is 256 bit.)


(Best rated intel motherboard on newegg.)

Power Supply (Took your guys advices and didn't get that 500W supply with the case, thanks it was a piece of crap 20$ one with 22Amps only on the +12V. This one is a nice 700W, not cheap ass, best rated 601-700W power supply, and 4 +12V rails for a total of 72Amps, the regular 18 Amps per rail.)

Hard drive (My current one, bought it about a month ago, think this is it.)

Not counting the Hard drive this all ends up at 850$ including shipping (They wanted me to pay 60$ tax cause they are located in my state, but luckily one of my family members lives just on border 1 hour away so i shipped to them to get no tax, hehe.)

Other stuff

My monitor
(Except its black not silver)

My keyboard,mouse, and speaker



-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin

Nothing new

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Nothing new today at all, just a bike ride :)., 60 degrees today, wanted to enjoy the weather


-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin

Almost forgot

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I almost forgot to post, but thank god for this thing being GMT times, otherwise i would've missed one day! I didn't do much at all, just got home, and worked with my clan (Vinco Vici Victum)


-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin

Slow day today XP

Hey everyone, thanks for reading!

Today was a pretty slow day for me as far as gaming went (You won't have to read as much of a post as well :D ). I didn't feel like playing any of my most played games like Vegas 2 or Halo 3, i just felt like racking up some achievements. I picked up about 500 points total split between NBA and NHL 2K8 and Forza 2. Nothing else to really post about. Besides im considering getting Tabula Rasa. Sorry for the short post, slow day XP (For those of you that are wondering what that is, its crossed eyes with tongue.)


-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin

I'm an officer!

Hey everyone, thanks for reading!

Sup everyone, so today I played a LOT of 360 as my spring break is nearing an end and I'm grounded from my 360, but i get to play it over spring break. I did a lot of Versus this morning in Vegas 2, and I am beggining to find a point to player matches! Not needing to find a new game every time. Well i got my 150 kills, 100 with assault rifle, warrent officer, and All weapons unlocked (All A.C.E.S at level 20) achievements throughout the course of the morning. I still haven't finished campaign because i'm enjoying playing with other people and terrorrist hunt too much. I'm almost halfway to 1000 in Vegas 2, not bad in my opinion considering that I got it on Sunday and haven't been playing it 24/7. I also played a bit of Forza 2, got my flawless race achievement (I'm not a very good racer :( ) and i bumped up my level, almost 10, i dont really play Forza that much. I also played NHL 2K8 for a little in the hopes of getting some achievements which i can get easily because i have 0 right now as i've played about 1 hour total. Unfortunatley i got cut off by it being 9 pm (Futurama time). Tomorrow I'm planning on working on achievements all day as i'm in a little contest where this guy has already gained 1000 points over 2 days and i've gained 200 :(. I"m screwed lol. If anybody wants to play with me hit me up, GT: gmoneyslim12.

Thanks for reading!

-Never quit, Never have to

Gleb Margolin

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