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glitchgeeman Blog

New Banner! Hoorah!

I don't know who follows this pathetic excuse of a blog but I guess those who do know that the only redeeming quality I have as part of the GS community are my decent banner sigs. So once again, in honor of my new favorite game with an awesome artstyle, I made a sig. This time for Persona 4 aka. The Game that SHOULD have won RPG of the year.

Higher quality version can be found by clicking on the sig. Comments and opinion are always appreciated. :)

The PSP has proved itself to be the most fragile handheld ever created

Yep, my PSP broke. Complete, utter, dickery. It fell of my table at a distance of THREE FEET on CARPET. None of the buttons or the screen is damaged, but for some reason, the power switch no longer works. It got loose and no matter what I do, it won't turn on. Makes me thankful for the Nintendo DS's clamshell design. Not that it would've made much of a different considering the type of damage it is, but Nintendo products always make me feel more confident about their durability compared to Sony products, the PS2 and PSP being prime examples. Oh well, I guess I'm just going to have to buy a new one, which really sucks, since I haven't beaten Patapon or Disgaea yet. Unless anyone knows how to fix a PSP's power switch, I'm just going to buy myself one of the old models since it'll be cheaper. Damn, and I was going to use that money to buy The World Ends With You. :(

Created a new banner sig thing.

Well, No More Heroes was fun, but I've beaten it and my fandom has died down a bit so I figured it was time to upload a new banner for the next new unique game with a cool artstyle I've become obsessed with. That game would be The World Ends With You. Seriously, it's got one hell of an interesting style, and the game itself looks pretty awesome. If you look at the games I like, you could probably guess that I'm pretty much a wh*re for unique arstyles (NMH, Okami, Killer 7, Eternal Sonata, and Super Mario Galaxy are a few good examples) so I can't help but be totally hyped for the game. :D

Click on the banner to get a higher quality view of it.

So, if anyone actually bothers reading this, what do you think? Any comments or critique would be appreciated. And while you're at it, why not take a look at my DeviantART profile? I'd greatly appreciate it.

Got Eternal Sonata, will be finishing the fight soon

And I have to say, of the 3 hours I've played, it is the mostartistically beautiful game I have ever seen. It's graphics may not be of Gears of War or Bioshock level, but art-wise, it is amazing. The colors, the cell shading, everything, it's like playing Tales of Symphonia (my favorite RPG of last gen) all over again, but on a more powerful system and shinier graphics. If you don't take my word for it, just take a look at the screenshots, the artstyle, while anime-ish, is beautifully done, and the environments are amazing. I'll probably end up reviewing it once I've beaten it.

In other news, if my preorder went through and fine, I should be getting Halo 3 within the next week hopefully. I was never a big Halo fan honestly, but Halo 3, I have to admit, looks like something truly special. With 4 player co-op, fantastic looking multiplayer, and Forge, this is the first Halo game I've ever actually been somewhat excited about.

Man, with Metroid Prime 3, Eternal Sonata, Halo 3, Mass Effect, SSBB, Mario Galaxy, The Orange Box, and much more, this holiday season looks to be a very good one.

Changed my forum sig

Considering there hasn't been a Super Robot Taisen game released in the states in the past year or so, I figured it was about time that I changed it, soI madea (hopefully) awsome No More Heroes sig. Still, I'm not sure about it or not. The Alteisen sig was the best sig I've ever made in my opinion, but I also like the NMH one. But if anyone found the older one to be better, lemme know. I'm curious.

Finally...beat...Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2...

Man, what a great, yet amazingly difficult game. I seriously recommend it to anyone who has a DS or a GBA. It will last you a long time. I think I've been playing SRT:OG2 for at least 4 monthes before I finally beat it. Of course, I didn't play it every day, but still, it's a long game. For more details, check out my review of the game.


I need a 360...

Well, after pretty much converting from full fledged Sheep to Mantisheep, I see the awsomeness of the 360 and I seriously need to get one soon. With Dead Rising, Gears of War, Lost Planet, and Halo 3(eventually anyway), there are some great games to be played, and along with my Wii, I'll get the best of two worlds.

Only one thing gets in the way of my desire for a 360. Well, actually, 400 things get in the way. 400 f***ing dollars that is. Seriously, I wish it wasn't so expensive, but I guess that's what you get for such an awsome system. Still, it seems I'm gonna have to wait for a while before I ever get my hands on a 360. Unless someone knows where to get one cheap, then I'll gladly listen.