globblepop's forum posts
Personally i like to have a box with my games, that way i feel like i spent my money on something physical, direct to drive just isnt the same. but imagion not having to install games! That would be overcome and you would still have all that space on your HDD
I was reading an article the other day, someone ranting on about "Why can't us PC owners have the convenience on putting the disc in the drive and playing the game!?".
There were a few reasons such as better load times(due to the reading limitations from the drive) and disc in drive copy protection, but howcome consoles can do it and is there a solution? The idea of using Flash memory with a similar deisgn of an SD card popped into my head. It could offer much better acess times and no reading errors(unless the contacts were damaged). It then seemed that it wouldn't happen due to the price of the technolgy, but is it possible that it will ever be affordable enough to replace disc's. If not is there anything else that could elliminate the problems we face with optical storage? or will we have to live with this for the rest of our lives?
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