They're such different games. True, III was this grand conceptual piece, but Oblivion was more playable. That's not to say it was dumbed down, but more polished for sure. IV is a great game, despite some of your protestations. It is fun and it's supposed to be a grand adventure, whereas III is more like a wandering with adventure thrown in. I enjoy wandering and the intricacies, but IV had them too and it was more fun.
It's the cool thing to like III better because that makes you a hardcore gamer, it makes you intellectually superior to others who disagree. It's the "I liked _____ better when it was underground" disease. Some people don't want to like IV because only the best and hardcorest (sic) played III. Just like movies and bands, games that allow someone to feel superior to others and elicit nostalgia will be remembered most fondly.
III was a great game, but not for everyone. Some people thought it just wasn't fun (and I'm sure that some of you think that makes those people "dumb." If that be the case, I may need to shoot your high horse.). IV was a great game and it was for a larger audience, though certainly no everyone. In you're wondering where I stand, I give you one answer - I liked Madden when it was underground.
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