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2/2/08 sum up the week in a few words also Naruto, Bleach, Lost....question

It was a normal week with school, homework, tests a project and that is about it.

Naruto Manga

I was so nervous right now. I just finished reading the manga and... I just don't want Sasuke to die. Sasuke is awesome in my opinion. He shouldn't die. He should defeat Itachi. That was a great cliffhanger for the manga.Hopefuly Sasuke won't die.

Naruto Shippuden

It was a good episode. Nothing much really happened. Shippuden just needs to get to the story not the fillers so that it would be more interesting.

Naruto on CN

Good 2 episodes and now the fillers begin. Tonight, a filler. After Tonight there will be 83 more fillers to be aired until Shippuden.


So yeah. New episode of Bleach March 1st.

Death Note

It's going well. Just5 more episodes includingtonight's until the second season.


It was thursday and a good epiosde. We now see that Hurley is in a place for crazy people and has thoughts still about Charly. 7.8 is probably the score I would give this episode.

Question...What are firends? Can you define the word friend in your own words? I just thought of it.

PS. I might watch the super bowl. Will anyone else watch?