fallouts, redemption.the "new 3rdperson type" red factions & oblivion. these "open world" games r multiplying like rabbits. i simply don't have 1/2 yrs of my life to devote 2 any game. plus its incredibly boring 2 explore a huge world mute & alone. the JRPGs may b flawed but they do have a point-give a player companions. the reason GTA S wre good, fun & successful had less 2 do w/open wotld & more 2 do w/music & lifvely environs. also' Ass.Creed cntrls suck (hold R1 2 run?) & combat's slow & unresponsive. & don't even get me started on zombies!
[QUOTE="adrunkirishman"]The fable trilogy. the amount of hype molyneux tries to build for the games and IMO the amount of bulls**t he talks just irritates me. and the whole planting a seed and growing a tree thing ........so effing what! (sigh) sorry got kinda angry :P
that's exactly what i hate about many games today. What's wrong with creating an optional tutorial for those who want/need it. Instead, you get that force you to play the tutorial just to enter (COD & other fps', Gran Tourismo), or games that screw up ur initial level w/on-screen prompts or interrupts while ur trying to concentrate on enemies (Killzone2). Put tutorials where they belong--separate fr. th main game!
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