Just got my hands on the Xenogears Soundtrack finally. I have been waiting for that thing for a while. It's ridiculously good for classic game music for PS1. So, So Good. I have heard crieds is good, but I have yet to get that. Yasunori Mitsuda is the composer for those interested. He also did Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross.
It's really hard to get good Xenogears material now. The most I have is the strategy guide which has really minimal art. I really want the Perfect Works (which is all in japanese but whatever).
There was a review that was posted earlier regarding Xenosaga Episode 2 and how bad it was. I really hope this isn't the case. This game cannot die. There is so much potential in this universe that having it tank after the 2nd installment would be horrific.
You will also notice I have a new icon. A different ID, and a bigger one at that.
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