@WilliamRLBaker: @Davekeeh: How does it feel to be a follower. Consoles are only produced for casuals and idiots who know no better. In the mean time I will be playing one of the many far better PC versions of some of your console trash. I love how idiots like William have no clue what they are talking about. Fagbro go buy another xbox and get the **** off the forums. If your consoles were worth a shit then everyone would be buying them and that includes people who are capable of making their own decisions.
Fanboys gonna be jealous. You could always stop being a fucking sheep and following the masses, but we all know that will never happen. Once you believe consoles serve more of a purpose than taking money from idiots you can never stop supporting them. Enjoy your inferior software while anything worth a shit gets ported to pc or is made exclusively for it :)
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