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Updating my games and what I have now.

Man I do not visit this place enough as evident by the games I have listed. Those were all games I was playing last year. I just haven't gotten around to going through all of the 'ading a game' stuff (reviews, scores, playing it or not, currently, blah blah bah). It has gotten more difficult to do so as the games have piled up ove the past year as well.

It is April 2009 and these are the games that I am currently playing starting with the game i am playing the most right now down to the the game I am playing the least (but still playing):

- Resident Evil 5

- Burnout Paradise

- Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds

- SOCOM Confrontation

- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

- Warhawk

- Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection

My wife and I bought Guitar Hero: World Tour but it is for my son so I will list it here.

Other games that I have but haven't played in a while include:

- Resistance 2 (with the update and DLC, this may move up to currently playing before long)

- Bioshock

- Need For Speed Undercover

- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

- Resistance: Fall of Man

- Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas

- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2

- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

- Oblivion (GOTY Edition)

- Heavenly Sword

- Ratchet & CLank Future: Tools of Destruction

- Lair

- Assassin's Creed

- Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom

- Genji: Days of the Blade

- The Eye of Judgment

The Eye of Judgment, man that game had potential but the developers got too damn greedy and now it just sits there playable only with the first run of cards if it is played at all. I could go an and mention something about each of those games but I am just starting to realize that I have 24 PS3 games. =)

I don't know if I will ever get to the same amount of games for the PS3 that I have for the PS2 (54 games) but man that is a lot of games.

While I am at it, I might as well list the PSP Games that I have too:

- Star Wars Battlefront: Rogue Squadron

- God of War: Chains of Olympus

- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

- Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

- Secret Agent Clank

- Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters

- Metal Gear Acid

- Monster Hunter: Freedom

- Killzone: Liberation

I have only two UMD Movies (Office Space and Big Trouble in Little China)

24 PS3 titles

54 PS2 titles

10 PSP titles

88 Playstation titles. Nice.

I also have about a dozen or so Blu Ray Movies.

Wow, is it any wonder I am broke? LOL Oh well, at least I will be able to game. =)

Retroactive Trophies?

I almost chose 'Rant' for the Category of this post but I only mention that because I noticed it as a category selection. This will not be a rant but more of a question. I had fully intended to go online and do a search of Criterions site and hopefully post a blog in their forums but do I really want to sign up for yet another gaming site?

Is there a limit to how many we should be registered in before we can say we are 'informed'?

I am happy to see though that Criterion Games does have an email link on their CrashTV podcast page. Let me tell you how invaluable an email link is. =) I glanced the site quickly since I have to go through it while playing the game since the 1.60 update, which you can quickly bypass by pressing O (circle) by the way.

So as i was saying, I had wanted to go and search the Criterion Site for some information but I had to go through several of the sites I belong to and well, I am here now. Once I post this, I will officially have caught up on today's internet stuff. Coincidentally, I may be trimming some apps from one of the social networking sites I have joined but I have digressed with the sheer multitude of games and gaming sites I am registered with.

So I was looking for something and it took a full circle of thought and logging in ot get to here. What I am looking for and have not heard about nor found information on, wait I have one more site to check before I finish this thought... is a pretty good site but one that requires a logi/registration to take part in which I do not mind but it will be just another site I have joined for what ever reason. At this point it remains a question for me since I am not going to register over there just yet. maybe once I clean up the ol bookmark folder and drop a few sites I don't go to anymore.

Regardless, I went looking and couldn't find an answer so I will pose it here and hopefully womeone in the know will share their knowledge.

Q: Will Criterion Games give us an update/patch that will give you trophies retroactively?

What is the deal with retroactive trophies? Does that crash systems or is it just something that will take time to get done? I had Burnout Paradise prior to the trophies being added so I have missed out on the 'bunny run' trophies that you get when you first play, basically all the easiest just do it bronze trophies. I am over 70% complete with the game already and just got my Burnout Licence so I honestly have no desire to scrap that game and start all over again.

Someone suggested that I backup my current game, start over and get the early trophies, then scrap that game and restore my previos (current) game. Any thoughts on that? Will that cause problems?

I have as I stated yet to sign up and register for so I am not privvy to their forums but hopefully someone in here is.

Thank you for any information you can provide and possibly adding your name to this should you like the idea of retroactive trophies for this and other (all?) games.

What a difference a year makes

First of all I want to acknowledge the person who helped out here. Jody, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to make use of this site. It actually feels good to be able to sign in. I wasn't able to because I had been banned for using a name that was too close to flagged words and was promtply banned even before I got in here as a registered user.

Bygones. =) I missed out on the Resistance Tournament (bygones) but look forward to any other possible events such as that. My only comment is that you should not be able to register a name that is flagged. That should be caught in the sign up forms but again, bygones. =)

I am a gamer with a PS3 and I really do have to marvel at how much of a difference a year make. A year ago everyone was talking about how there were no games for the PS3 and I knda felt that as well but as an early adopter I guess that was inevitable. Now it is a year later and there are just too many games for me. Add a recession and very tight funds and I can't even afford any games just yet but I do love that there is such a great selection of games not only on the shelves but there are a few on the Playstation Store.

I guess for some it just makes sense to continue bashing Sony for whatever reason they might have. Developers need at least two years before they are comfortable with the new hardware and are able to develop games to the full potential of the new hardware. I see this as holding true for the PS3 as well since games such as Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Heavenly Sword have given us an idea of what this console can do.

I look forward to what the PS3 will hold for years to come. I am still not going to get on board with Little Big Planet though. That is for another blog another day since I have written about it elsewhere.

I hope to be able to write more often here but I write and blog in other places already so perhaps I will just leave a link for you to read. The first link I will leave is from my WordPress Blog and I write about the most recent shooting that has a Gamer relation to it.

For now I will just leave you the URL since I will want to see what I can do with this blog as far as html goes.

So there it is, my first blog in here.