hmm..... I think the jury should be out on this one. We all know first year outings look similar to last years efforts. Look at the launch titles for the 360. They were pretty craptacular but a year later Gears of War showed up on that same machine. Who knows maybe Crysis will be that game.
Sony's hardware looks solid. With a blu-ray player (HD movies built in at launch), both version have hard drives which should help with the software and the way it is developed. The games look good but nothing says these games are superior to Microsoft's machine just yet. I've seen MGS4 which looks fantastic but until it's playable my judgement will be reserved for then. Will I be getting a PS3? I was first in line for preorders so I certainly hope so. The games look okay nothing saying killer ap just yet. Sure there are some that stick out (for me Resistance and F.E.A.R.) but nothing compared to Nintendo's launch which will include LOZ: TP. Media capabilities look on par pretty much with the 360 with a few extra bells and whistles and 1080p is definately a good thing. Online support nobody can really say just yet until we get our hands on it. I've heard everything from they'll be online on day one (which is true) to some developers are not using any online functionality because Sony hasn't provided what is necessary for their title(s). I'm expecting something similar to Xbox Live except not as good. It is free so it is kinda hard to complain too much about it.
I think $199 is a solid price for the console to release at and I'd like to think they will launch before PS3 but why? To beat them to the market and hope people not wanting to spend $600 dollars will instead go with the Wii? All 400,000 PS3's allotted to North America will sell out within the first 48 hours by the latest. I think the price point will come more into play months after both consoles launch. So as long as they catch the post Thanksgiving shopping craze they'll be in good shape. But I'm hoping it will launch sometime next month bundled with a game. (fingers crossed)
I understand wanting to save money but for us gamers this is the biggest week in video games every year. Almost 100 percent of gamers look forward to this week every year. So while I understand it is a hassle to put together booths/demos and so fourth and the cost of the event is unattractive, this is the one week where developers/publishers give back to the gaming community with an update on what is on the horizon in video games. Sure we have the internet, video game magazines, tv shows and so fourth but none of them can fill the void left by the absence of E3. I know E3 isn't going away but I don't expect it to be anything like we've become accustomed to. I've never been and it looks like I'll never go which is dissappointing. What else is there to say? This sucks.
These are the titles I own that are considered great games that are not the easiest to aquire. While my personal favorite game of all time is The Legend of Zelda: OOT (N64) there are a bazillion copies floating around and you might be able to find it at the nearest EB games near you. These I had to find over the internet or at collector stores. These titles might show "good taste" to me they are reminders of why you never get rid of your old titles (You end up buying them again for more than you got for them). All titles in no particular order: 1. Soul Caliber (DC) 2. Chrono Trigger (SNES) 3. Final Fantasy VII (PSone) 4. Kid Icarus (NES) 5. Super Metroid (SNES)
I would like to see all 3 consoles do well and I'm sure Sony will do well eventually. I definately see Sony playing a huge game of catch up at this price. Why buy a PS3 if you can buy something that is just as good game-wise as the 360 and pay $200 more? Also launching pretty closely to the Nintendo Wii at an even better price than the 360 should make it a rough beginning for the PS3. Good luck Sony you're truly going to need it.
goat2001's comments