Sorry but if you were to hook up a PC to that "600htz" screen you would find it's refresh rate was only 60htz.. That "600htz" is a post process done by the TV that not only adds latency. It also only works with normal TV/Video the video above tells you, how video is rendered and paused. Well put it this way the 600 effect does not work with games. Next time look up at the topic at hand before posting a falacy.
You don't need 60fps with consoles because of the latency with the control pads. With the inherent latency with large screen HDTV's, with PC's however.....
Yes even higher what you want is uncapped frames on a 120/144htz monitor. Why is that, well the higher the frame rate the mouse latency lowers.
Why don't Gamespot just give HD video comparison showing the most important area. ie: game/frame rate stability I would always choose the version that runs the most stable over, some negligible visual difference. And what ever the system 360/PS3 there advantages cancel each other out. Much like when you mix a acid and a alkaline.
gobbo00's comments