I just saw the score for the game called "Haze"... I laughed to myself because from what I can remember, all the PS3 fan-boys were saying "oMGz w4it unTil h4Z3 cOmeZz ouTz iT WilL rOcKZ urZ soCkzzz!"
I seriously just feel extremely bad for PS3 owners because just when they think that a good game is coming their way, it turns out to be yet ANOTHER fluke.
I wouldn't call myself a "fan-boy" of any kind because I've owned all previous consoles, ranging from Sega and Nintendo, to Sony and Xbox.
I just felt like saying this so maybe the Sony fan-boys stop to actually think before coming out with such ridiculous, baseless statements.
As a PS3 owner I am so happy to hear this from you. Haze was my most anticipated game of the year, and now... its all over... my life is no more... its all coming to an end...
But seriously... WTF? It was one hardly even hyped game to begin with, what kind of scores were you expecting from Haze? And its not like PS3 owners dont have other games coming out shortly.
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