@sancho_panzer: What's that supposed to mean? I've been playing on my ps4 online without any problems whatsoever. In fact, my download speeds are even faster on my playstation than my xbox. That comment is literally ancient history.
gohan_3's forum posts
@vaidream45: That position is held for pizza, you dont want to start a tomatoe war over this, trust me. Many pizzas and lasagnas have lost enough.
I hope not. It feels like they have a tendency to ruin the studios they purchase. It seems like it's common for some of the head developers at companies to leave once acquired literally making them a shell of what they were.
I couldnt disagree more. Their games are really repetitive with a lot of filler missions and quests used to increase play time. All of their open world games just feel similar with a copy/paste feeling with a new paint job. Ubisoft used to be my favorite game company but unfortunatley I've been disappointed by them this entire generation since the first assassins creed.
Im personally not falling for this trick again. They started putting all their effort towards attracting the super casuals and lost sight of the fact that the hardcore gamers and casual gamers such as myself are the ones which help support them. They almost completley stopped support of making real games and instead relying on games and gimmicks. I see them going for the hardcore gamers again and cutting off support once they attract enough people towards their systen
Just a thought, but would this actually benefit anyone. I wouldnt think that developers would take advantage of this merely because not all systems would be able to have this update as not all consoles connect to the internet and get updates. Then the early adopters would be buying games which dont run optimally on their systems as it was devolped with dx12 in mind?
Have you set it to game mode, i had that problem until i realized i forgot to do that.
The standard version is available not the day one edition.
Killzone: another fail choppy fps that runs at 30 fps...sigh
Knack: a niche platformer that 1/100 ps4 owners will get suckered into buying, play for an hour, and never touching it again
the order: a boring ass 1800's game that takes itself way too seriously much like many sony exclusives
Meanwhile the xbox one has an open world zombie game, a potential filled spartacus type of game, the best racing game, and Titanfall. Just watching the titanfall gameplay is all I need to pre order an xbox one. This coming from a longtime sony ps fan who realized PS4 offers nothing new besides an upgrade in graphics which always happens anyways. Sony needs to show alot more games for me to keep the pre-order.
Besides kinect, which doesnt bring much new to the table in terms of gaming, most of which can be done just as easily on the control. What is the Xbone bringing new besides updated graphics. Before all their flip flops on policy many things could have been said, but as it stands it merely has upgraded graphics. I'm a long time xbox fan and have felt ripped off and finally stopped supporting a company which does nothing but try to milk all the money they can out of me
Not only that you said they have no games and went to list 3 exclusive games for the system. Unlike microsoft which has shown they would rather buy timed exclusivity and content, sony has a track record for games and has the studios to bring them out consistently.
I dont post very often....but do we REALLY need 10 threads about this each day!!! This is getting ridiculous. I've been an xbox fan since day one, and even i can admit the launch games coming out for both systems are lackluster at best. It's not as if the Xbone has significantly better games coming out for launch so i dont see the point of this thread. Try to be more original or post on one of the other 10 threads that have been made before you.
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