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And the Super Important, Extravagant Verdict To The Situation Is....UPDATED!!!!!

......well, I guess she'll go with me. I really don't know what to think. See, here's how it all went down. I sent her an email last Saturday, but it's been 4 days with no response. These past days have been torture, constantly clicking the refresh button on my email inbox every hour or so. I finally told my mom about it yesturday, and she told me I should just call her, and said emailing her instead of talking directly to her was silly. So, growing even more balls than I had before, I called her just now. Her mom seemed pissed by now, since I've called 2 times before, but she hasn't been home. Finally, I got lucky, and I finally got to talk to her. I struggled a little bit to ask her the question, asking it very slowly. She then responded with an "Ooooooooo," like I was telling her I liked somebody. Then, she explained to me that she's going with a group of friends (some of them I know), and that she really doesn't like going alone with a guy to Homecoming. My facial reaction right then and there was ":|." Fortunately, she said I can join her and her friends, so I said that's cool. Also, before all of that, I asked if she checked her email yet, and she says she was going to tomorrow since she's going to be at her dad's house. So, who know's what she might say in the email she sends to me in response to the one I sent to her? Basically, it looks like I'm going to Homecoming for the first time:). Unfortunately, I might not get to pick her up from her house, take her out to eat, and take her home like I was originally intending on doing. But hey, at least I didn't get rejected. And at least I had balls to call up and ask8).

And with that note, now it's time for........


A better title, don't you think:P ? Well, I bought Metroid Prime 3: Corruption yesturday. For once, I actually have other things on my mind that are bugging me more than video games, but I've been waiting for this baby to come out for awhile, so I finally bought it. It's pretty satisfying for a conclusion to the series. Judging from the first 4 to 5 hours playing it, it's definately superior to Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and probably on par with the cl@$$ic Metroid Prime. Let me just say that the beginning tutorial in this one is the best introduction in a Prime game IMO. You actually have NPCs to talk to in the first part of the game, with full voice acting (there's even a guy that says "Damn," which surprised me because I didn't think Nintendo would include curse words in their own franchises:P ). Also, a funny situation is when you shoot at the guys, a turret descends from the ceiling and starts shooting at you:lol:. The guys don't get hurt when you shoot them, but it's still funny how a defence system activates when you start becoming hostile. The bosses in the game so far are very unique and fun to battle. They are probably more exciting and distinct than the repetitive "guardians" in the previous game. I've fought about 4, and I'm expecting more goodness. The game seems a little too easy at times, though, but that's probably because I was idiotic and chose the "Normal" difficulty setting instead of "Veteran" :cry:. Also, the most important thing: controls. It took me a couple minutes to get adjusted to them, but once I did, they were very nice to use. The only problem is when you pull levers or turn switches the first couple times, the controller might be unresponsive, and you may have problems. I haven't witnessed any more troubles, though. So far, it's a very fantastic experience, and those with a Wii definately need to pick it up. It's THE best game out on it right now. Oh, and don't let Glitchspot's score intimidate you into thinking otherwise:P.

Also, I've played a little bit of Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. I'm starting to become annoyed with it because I constantly have to use walkthroughs on it. This game is HARD. I constantly overlook the tiniest things that are required to solve the puzzles, and I constantly die, whether it be trial and error from a stealth situation or falling or something like that. Right now I'm stuck in a stealth situation, but I've become more focused on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption at the moment, so screw it for now.

Now it's time for.........


Man, too many movies I've watched the past few days. And it's a variety, too. I've got a western, a Holocaust movie, a depressing teenage movie, a semi-documentary, and a cl@$$ic comedy. Let's get this ish cracking:

The Blues Brothers--This is probably a better movie than Animal House was as far as John Belushi's cl@$$ic films go. I mean, it's humorous (and over-the-top at times), it's got cool car chases, it's got Dan Aykroyd in it alongside Belushi, it's got cool music, and it's got great cameos, whether it's music legends such as Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles or actors/actresses such as John Candy and Carrie Fisher making an appearance. What's not to like here? It gets a 9/10.

The Laramie Project--This was different for a change. It is a movie based off of the incident in Laramie, Wyoming in which a gay man was brutally beaten and tied to a fence. What was different was it was like a documentary, in which people were interviewed about the situation, only the actual people were replaced with actors. It's got quite a good cast, too, ranging from Christina Ricci to Peter Fonda to, of course, Steve Buscemi:P. I SWEAR, HE'S IN EVERY MOVIE!!!! But anyways, each actor/actress does a good job of making it seem like they were the actual citizens of this town, and everything from the opinions everyone had about gay people to the depliction of the courtcases of the accused men are so realistic, that you'll be fooled into thinking this IS a documentary. Definately worth a watch if you are interested in this sort of thing. A 9/10.

The Pianist--Yup, another Holocaust movie. In fact, after watching this one, I think it ranks up there with Schindler's List, maybe even higher. I mean, right from the beginning, everything goes wrong. There is no beginning that drags on. This is the story about a pianist who is given a chance to remain in a ghetto by a German officer he knew, while his family had to leave him, and then from there, it's all about escape and stealth. Oh, and of course, it wouldn't be a Holocaust movie without shocking and horrifying scenes, which The Pianist fills the voids completely. In fact, it could be even more shocking than in Schindler's List. Definately see this if you're into these types of movies. It will not disappoint. A 9.5/10.

Once Upon A Time In The West--Finally, I am introduced to Sergio Leone's work. It was a pretty cool experience, too. Basically, it is about a lone harmonica player who helps out a widow after her family is killed by a gang of outlaws. Sounds pretty simple, but the plot is actually more complicated than it seems. I had trouble following it at times, but maybe it's because the dialogue was hard to understand, because it's an old movie and old movies have crappy audio. I don't know, maybe I should've kept the subtitles on or something. But anyways, the camera work was awesome, and looked like a movie straight out of the 70s instead of the 60s. The characters were cool, and even badass at times, especially the harmonica player played by Charles Bronson. Overall, it was a good purchase for $7, and definately has got me lookin forward to more of Leone's movies. An 8.5/10.

Thirteen--And finally, there is this. This has to be the most depressing movie I have ever seen. But wait, you guys are probably thinking, "Well, movies like The Pianist HAVE to be more depressing than this! What are you getting at?" Well, in The Pianist, it was historical, and there were ruthless German soldiers ordered by a dictator to kill innocent Jewish people that weren't intending on dying. In Thirteen, there are kids that CHOOSE to live sh*tty, depressing lives. It's about a middle school girl who befriends a slut that hangs out with all the "cool" kids, and after she meets her, her life pretty much takes a left turn and goes straight to hell. She argues with her easygoing, yet naive mother, she starts having sex with guys she barely even knows, she starts stealing, she gets her tongue and belly button pierced, she argues with her mother again, she does drugs, she turns emo and starts cutting her wrists, she argues some more with her mother, and that's pretty much the whole movie right there. Oh, the ending is pretty awkward and stupid if you ask me. So, does anything good come out of this pathetic, unrealistic movie? Well, the cinematography was well done (I'm a sucker for shaky cameras in movies :oops: ), and the acting WAS pretty good. But besides this, nothing else really is good. I mean, after watching it, I felt like sh*t. I wanted to cut my own wrists after what I saw. It was somewhat entertaining to an extent, though. Watch at your own risk. A 7/10.

*whew* I also had to sit in the living room while my mom was watching Perfect Stranger on Saturday night, but the first 10 minutes were boring as all hell, so throughout the rest of the movie, I just found something else to do. It was a terrible movie. My mom even hated it. So, what's my point? DON'T RENT THIS MOVIE.

Finally, to end this post, it's time for......


While talking to my friend on Yahoo the other day, he introduced me to this comedian named Brian Regan. I had never heard of the man before, but I gave Stephen Lynch a chance when a buddy at school told me about him, so I might as well give this other guy a chance too. Well, I watched a couple of Regan's videos, and this is one funny dude! If you've heard of him before, you probably know what I mean. But if you haven't, check out one of his acts right here. It's probably my favorite I've seen him do so far. I still have yet to see all of them that are up on YouTube, though.

Well, with 5 more days of summer left, a highly anticipated new game to play the hell out of, and who knows what the hell else, looks like my final week of summer will be alright. Oh, and there's severe weather hitting Michigan right now as well, which isn't surprising:roll:. Last week the county I live in had a tornado warning, and we had to go to a friend's house due to the fact that we live in a friggin trailer:|. Luckily, all it did was rain heavily with some occasional lightning, and that was it. A tornado struck down about 15 minutes from where I live, though, so it was a close call. Well, Until Next Time, LATA!