Hellz yeah, the 3 day weekend is finally here for me:D. Time to play lots of Okami, watch movies (in which both I'm posting in this very post;) ), and relax. Today was hard enough, though:( . Well, first of all we had a tedious, yet easy lab to do (along with a stupid lab report), and my lab partner was a senior:|. Speaking of that, the fool said he was going to call so we could work on it over the phone later on:cry:..................but I didnt even bring any homework home, since I finished it at school:P. So sucks for him if he DOES call (but he probably forgot about it by now:P ). IN OTHER NEWS, had another Pre/Calc test, nothing special. It seemed pretty easy, like the last one. But then my first English test came:(. Now, recall that I told you guys about those two "Plastics" I have to sit in between. So, it's really hard to concentrate on ANYTHING in that class :evil: . I WOULD ask if I could change seats, but since the teacher is such a **** I won't even bother:|. But anyways, the test was extremely hard, just about as hard as my AP History test. Hell, I couldnt even finish my damn essay question because of lack of time:x. So, I KNOW I failed the son of a ****.
And that's about all with school. Heh heh, TEH DRAMA IS KICKIN IN!!!!!!!!!! gohantech00 might be a cranky mother f***** ONCE AGAIN like last year:lol: . But, ON THE PLUS SIDE, like I promised, I have two movie ratings for you today:D. One is that indie high school (well, its really junior high) comedy I mentioned, only its not really a comedy. It's a "dark" comedy, with a lot of drama in it. The other is a sequal to a movie I just recently gave a 10/10. But will IT get a 10 also? Find out. These movies are:
Welcome to the Dollhouse--9.5/10
Kill Bill Vol. 2--9.5/10
Yep, an underrated gem right there, that Welcome to the Dollhouse. I highly recommend it to you people looking for a good "high school" (but really being junior high) movie. As for Kill Bill Vol. 2, very good sequal. Not up there with the first, due to, of course, the lack of action that the first produced, but it was still a wild ride and I enjoyed myself.
Welp, that is all for now. Until next time.........LATA!