Ahhhh, it feels so nice knowing that I dont have to go to school tomorrow. DAMN I love summer vacation. Anyways, today was just about, if not more, action packed as yesturday, which was cool. Well, the reason being it was my dad's birthday today, so first, we took him to breakfast. Next, we went to this town in Michigan called Frankenmuth, which is a cool town. They had this festival goin on, so it made it all the better. There was a parade, too, which was pretty lengthy, but it was awesome, especially since I got to see some people I see on the news in the parade:D . Also, the women walking around that town was.........very pleasant:D. Not to mention I got more sunburnt, making that 2 days in a row in which I got a lot of sun (pretty unusual for a lazy ass like me). But then we decided to head back, and the perfect way to end the day was watching a very powerful movie I've been wanting to see for awhile. It was:
Schindler's List--8.5/10
As you can see, this has been a perfect weekend to start a long summer. Hope to experience more this summer, insteado of being a couch potato all summer long. Welp, it's pretty late, and I need to get some shuteye. Lata!
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