*continued from VGK's previous blog *
*looks at all the villians he's faced with*
Jesus, am I in for a beating. And where the hell is Gerald at? I thought he was with me to beat up these bad guys *sees him walking away* Where you going???!!!!!
*Gerald looks back and yells*
"I ran out of vegetable oil to rub on myself. Gotta make myself look like a fierce, ripped warrior, ya know? And without the oil, it is impossible for me to continue fighting. So, farewell good lad."
*falls out of a window like he thinks he's Superman*
Sh*t! Now what am I going to do? *holds cross up, thinking it will affect the villians like it did with Ganondorf* HA! The power of Jesus!
*the villians get closer*
Son of a b*tch. Thought I could get away with that again. Now what am I going to d--
*a huge explosion takes place, and when the dust clears, all the villians are dead*
Heh. Heheheh. Guess it worked after all:D.
*The Burger King rains on my parade*
"Actually 'Mr. Hero,' it was me who made that incredible explosion. I'm quite powerful you know."
Well well, look who decided to show up and save my ass..........again. Speaking of saving asses, I haven't seen Michael Jackson or my former companions since I was taken into the pit. Did you have anything to do with their disappearance?
"As a matter of fact, it wasn't me for once. I think it was that Stiffler dude from the movie American Pie in the dungeon. I remember sneaking around in the dungeon, trying to get to where you were, when I saw Jack-O, Mr. Hustle and Flow, George McFly, and Neo from the Matrix following behind him--"
Those celebrities have names you know......
"Ay! Shut your trap before I deep fry like those delicious fries at my restaurant. Anyways, as I was saying, before I was so RUDELY INTERUPTED, as they were going to take Stiffler out of his cell to torture him, he was about to.......well, how can I say this without being inappropriate? Uh, I guess the 'juices' leaked from the 'Oscar Meyer hot dog,' and it just so happened to hit the 4 dudes in the eye simultaniously, killing them instantly. Uh, I DID spell that last S word right, didn't I?"
I guess you did. But Jesus Christ, that was a disgusting story. Didn't need to know all those horrific details you bastard.
"DAMMIT!!!! I'm so horrible at telling dirty stories in a clean way. I knew I would screw up. Oh well, who cares? Aren't you going to thank me? Or ask me to come along with you in your final confrontation with our nemesis?"
Yeah, the help was needed desperately I guess. I mean, I was in pretty much a chokehold. And yeah your help would be really appriciated deeply. So, will you help me with my final con--
"Oh shoot, look at the time! I got a special promotion I need to attend at the Mall of America in 10 minutes. Gotta be dressed up as some sort of mascot to represent Burger King. I'm letting kids sit on my lap so that their picture could be taken, like I was f*cking Santa Clause or something. But if I don't attend, I'm going to loose some pay, which I desperately need right now to buy that new Pokemon Pearl game. Game looks friggin sweet. Anyways, gotta run. Toodles!"
F*cking sh*t! He did it again! God this guy is getting annoying. Welp, I guess it's up to me to face VGK alone.
*Fred Savage appears out of nowhere*
"Hey man, can I join you? I've got nothing else to accomplish at the moment."
Where the hell...............oh jeeze, f*ck asking questions, come if you please. I need all the backup I can get.
"OH, GOODIE!!!!!! Sucks to be my brother right now! Right now he's sitting back at home, reflecting on his crappy career acting in that stupid Disney show, Boy Meets World. Now he's just sitting in the living room eating Cheezits while watching reruns of Rocko's Modern Life. Hahaha!
*Rapper GZA/Genius also appears out of nowhere for some reason*
"Yo man, you got some extra room for one mo' soulja? I can knock that king off his throne in half a sec, man, know wat I'm sayin?"
Dude, you're not even an actor..........but since your music is so dope, I guess I can add you to my party. Besides, you know quite a lot about samurais and stuff, don't you?
"First of all, I was in the movie Coffee and Cigarettes, so give a kat some acting recognition foo'. And second, of course I know bout samurais, man. I know all bout that sh*t. But I'm surprised you'd know, on the count of you haven't even bumped my Liquid Swords album yet. Mutha f*ckin loyal fan my ass....."
Uh, about that......I can explain, but later.
"I listened to it before, Mr. GZA. I thought it was quite poetic."
"Yo, Wonder Years, or Moley Moley f*cking Moley. Was I talkin to you? Huh!? Was I?"
"Uh........not that I was aware of, no."
"Well then shut yo mufukin mouf, cracka ass punk. Yo, I'm usually the peaceful type, but push my buttons, and you'll be begging fo' dat Burger King dude to come and whack yo ass."
*starts to breathe heavily, and tears start to fall, as a narrator starts talking all of a sudden*
I was feared for my LIFE at that moment. My head was starting to feel woosy, and I felt as if I was going to get sick at any moment. I knew I had messed up by jumping into the conversation when I wasn't supposed to. By now, the rapper did not have any respect for me, so I was in trouble. It felt like my dad was going to give me a beating, but this time, it wasn't the old man. So, as I was starting to cry, I said:
"Sorry, Mr. GZA sir."
"Yo, you start havin a f*ckin narrator like on yo f*ckin television show, you'll wish you was watchin yo back, cause you're startin to piss this kat off. And don't call me sir, you ignorant foo'. Who do you think I am, yo f*ckin pops white boy?"
ALRIGHT!!!!!! Settle down, both of you. Now, I have no idea where you two came from, or why you're arguing, but we have a task to take care of. Now, let's finally confront VGK and end this saga!
*puts hand on door handle, but before he can open it, Jake Gyllenhaal appears.........without his shirt on:? *
"Got room for one more? I'm useful, very useful."
JESUS CHRIST, WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE COMING FROM!!!!!??????? Oh well, why the hell am I complaining? The more, the merrier. Come along with us if you wish. But why is your shirt off?
"Because I feel like it. The breeze is nice at times. You got a problem with it?"
Uhhhh, no. Go topless if you, uh, want.
"Yo man, I gots a problem wit dat sh*t. I can't stand seeing mufukas wit out they shirts on, showing off they muscular physique and sh*t like dat. Put on one o' them dead foo's uniforms or somfin, cause I'm gettin grossed out."
"Let me think about that one............um, I think I'll keep my shirt off. I don't live to have people tell me what to do. I'm a f*cking rebel. I'm the next James Dean, the Rebel Without a Cause. Got a problem, then **** my **ck."
"Damn. Feisty mufuka you are. I respect dat sh*t. Can't take any sh*t off no one, gotta stick to what you believe. It's how you gotta survive sometimes. Keep your shirt off if you must, man."
*wipes tears away* "I don't have a problem with it, Mr. Gyllenhaal. It's quite natural for men to show off their chests."
"Look, you're a television legend and all, since I used to love The Wonder Years as a kid. But your opinion is pretty much obsolete after this rapper ruined your ego. Sorry. It's true. And don't you dare even use that damned narrator again either. Like the rapper said, he'll make you want to beg for mercy."
"*sigh* Maybe I should've stayed at home with Ben and watched Rocko. Nobody will give me a break. It's like they're treating me like Steve Gutenburg or something.....
Ok, can we PLEASE MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!????? Thank you.
*opens door*
.....................is this, what I think it is?
"Looks like a mufkin Olive Garden. I thought we were in a castle. This sh*t is weird."
"And what's up with all the dead bodies?"
Yeah, what the hell?
*a voice starts to talk*
So, you finally made it to me, Colonel Pork.
"What the crap?"
*everyone turns around*
Well well, we finally meet, Video Game King.
*The Video Game King greets everyone*
Welcome to my castle, gentlemen. Hope you like how I've got my own personal Olive Garden in my castle. Earlier, there was a dispute between Ryan Gosling and one of my waitresses. Things got ugly, and finally, I had to intervene, killing everyone who was eating in here. That is why there are so many dead bodies everywhere. Now, it's time to get personal. And as for your precious Jeff Goldblum, Colonel, his fate doesn't look pleasant.
*Tune into Video Game King's next blog post for the EXCITING CONCLUSION!!!!!!!*
Until the Next Blog, LATA!!!!