:lol: Most bizarre topic title ever? Maybe. Maybe not. You decide.
What a dynamic past few days it's been, hasn't it? I mean, Lindsay Lohan got arrested for being the little troublemaker she is. Oh well, she's a horrible actress anyways, so no loss to the movie world, although she did get released today if I'm not mistaken. That mugshot in the link IS kinda hot, though:oops:...........:| Ok, that was awkward. ALRIGHT, I admit it. I find her overall hot, but I still think she's a bad actress (except for Mean Girls ;) ).
![Tammy Faye Messner on 'Larry King Live'](http://www.chicagotribune.com/media/photo/2007-07/31345299.jpg)
Then, Tammy Faye Messner suddenly died from cancer on Friday afterher shocking appearenceon Larry King Live on Thursday. Yeah, the pics/videos from that interview are scarier than hell:?. I guess she played a big part in televised religion, and she also appeared on VH1's Surreal Life a few years back. She looked fine back then, but I didn't realize she had cancer. R.I.P. to yet another important person in the entertainment world.
Oh, and the final Harry Potter book. What a buzz that's been getting, eh? Well, I'm not a big fan of reading, so I have no interest in reading it, but I do find it interesting how successful it was. It seems like this book is the best selling book since....well, maybe the Bible? I don't know much about book sales, but it seems to be huge. It was ridiculous seeing all those news reports about these pricks spoiling the book before it was released, though. Seriously, some people have too much time on their hands if they are desperate to reveal the secrets of a book upon the Internet before it's released:|.
What else? Well, that's all I can think of. But lots of things have been happening to me the past few days as well. First of all, I went swimming for the THIRD TIME this summer on Sunday (*gasp* TEH WORLD RECORD :o ), which was alright. I wish I had the guts to call some friends up and invite them along, but I just HAVE to be a nervous wreck when it comes to that for some reason:|. I also found yet ANOTHER $5 DVD at Wal-Mart that was worth getting, and that was Mystic River. Hell, the last time I watched this movie was even before I started doing blogs, and I have no idea what I could rate it. I guess I'll watch it later on or something. But I remember watching it for the first time, and thinking that Sean Penn was Robert DeNiro:lol:. Hey, who can blame me? I thought they looked alike back then for some reason:P. Oh, and Kevin Bacon is underrated as hell when it comes to acting BTW.
No this isn't another reality competition discussion:P. In fact, it really has nothing to do with modeling, although I almost felt like one. Yesturday, I went to this lady's house to get my senior pictures taken after receiving a pamphlet at school a few weeks before it ended. I actually got a bunch of different brochures, but my mom had to decide which studio I could go to (since, you know, we're pretty much poor and can't afford anything expensive:| ). So I went to this house way out on a backwoods dirt road, and started posing like I was in a photo shoot. It was fun, although it took place in a regular basement. I also got some shots outdoors, but the bugs were horrible out there:?. I wore my pimpin new clothes I got from Kohls on Sunday, which seemed comfortable.
And I've got movies to review today:D !!!! Exciting, I know.
To tell you the truth, I really didn't know what to think of this movie. I heard the buzz around it, and I got a bug up my ass at the video store and decided to finally rent it. It's basically a movie about the Mayan culture who are trying to build a massive utopia, and these people that live in the jungle are captured to use as a sacrifice to some God or something along the lines of that. The plot is weird IMO. It starts out humorous, as you see how these jungle people live their lives. Then, things turn violent and dramatic when the people from the utopia come to transport these poor people to their utopia by force, and the whole sequence is similar to when Jesus was carrying the cross in Passion of the Christ. In fact, this part was almost exactly the same, only with a group of people instead of one person. But when one of the captures suddenly escapes after almost losing his life, and is being chased after,that's when some things turn ridiculous. First of all (there may be minor spoilers here), he gets injured pretty badly, but still manages to run as good as Forrest Gump could, which is pretty unrealistic if you ask me. Then, the animals look incredibly cheesy looking, as if they were puppets. I was almost rolling on the floor after seeing this panther that appears and chases after our protagonist. There's also some fake looking CGI during a scene involving a waterfall. And then, one of the most ridiculous things about this movie: there is one cuss word in the whole movie, and it is f*ck. I may not have much knowledge of the origins of that nasty word, but doesn't it seem awkward seeing a native say it? I mean, it just didn't fit. The action was satisfying, though, and the ending was pretty cool as well. Oh, and there's not that many subtitles for those that complain about foreign flicks, so it makes it quite enjoyable to watch without tons of dialogue. See this movie for entertainment and some shocking scenes, and you'll be satisfied. Not as great, powerful, and accurate as Mel Gibson's last movie, but it was good. It gets an 8/10.
Road to Perdition
This was weird, seeing Tom Hanks play the role of a gangster. It's not his type of role. He did a great job, though. The story here is that a gangster's (Tom Hanks) son witnesses his father's secret job for the first time, and as soon as he is discovered, the mob leader's(Paul Newman) son (Daniel Craig)becomes suspicious and kills his wife and youngest kid, causing him and his oldest son to flee. Or at least that's what I got out of it. Like I've mentioned before, I'm not too good at following mob/gangster movies too well, but this movie was easier to follow than most of the other movies I've seen like The Godfather and Goodfellas. This had a great cast, too, ranging from Hanks, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig, and Jude Law, all playing strong roles to this tragic tale. The ending is especially shocking. Not Hanks' best of course, but still, this is another movie to prove that he's one of the greatest actors of this generation. An 8.5/10.
Well, I'm done. Nothing more to say. My summer is just about half-way over, but what awaits me for the second half of my summer? My first half was great and satisfying. But with my 18th birthday coming up on the 20th of next month, the debut of Rush Hour 3 on August 10th, the town carnival/festival,school registration, and finally, the first day of my senior year, it's going to be EPIC!!!!! Nah, just kidding:P. I hope more will happen, but I'll just have to wait and see. Until Next Time, LATA!!!!