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Dilemmas Galore

Geeze this week has been a large pain in the ass. And I thought Valentine's Day would be it. WRONG! Well let's see, where do I begin...................ah yes, Wednesday. All that really happened was that I had lots of homework, and plus we had news of a huge snowstorm hitting us, so I was excited about that.

The Next Morning...........
I awoke expecting to be filled with bliss as I seen my school at the bottom of the screen on the news. Well, it didn't. I was pissed. So, I had a whole day of MORE homework, plus we got MORE news that more winter weather was coming. Yippie. I was optimistic.

That Evening...........
Well, no snow for us. Instead, the section of Michigan where I live got THUNDERSTORMS instead. How nice was that? NOT NICE. North of us, they got pounded with snow. Plus, that night, my old dog kept puking everywhere, and my mom had to clean it up because I'm sensitive to touch it:?. She did it several times that night, and it annoyed the hell outta me. Meh, so I just went to bed, anxious for morning to come, hoping for another chance at a school closing because the rain could've froze that night.

The Next Morning..........
Jipped again. So, I had to walk in windy, icy cold weather down to the bus stop, and had to put up with two substitutes today. Oh, and I can't forget about our pathetic Spirit Week Assembly, which lasted about 2 hours. I couldve sat by my TRUE friends (which are those girls I mentioned in a couple blog posts ago), and had fun, but NOOOOO. I had to sit by my other friend and his stupid sk8er friends. It was humiliating. Oh well, at least things would get back in order when I got home for my 3 day weekend.

Earlier Tonight.........
Well, after eating at a local restaurant with my dad and watching Lord of War with him (which was good, by the way), I decided to try to burn a CD with songs I downloaded from Wal Mart. Well, apparently, there are certain songs in which I already "used up my burns," because my stupid ass self kept playing the songs on "Preview" in my CD burning program, and it counted as burns I guess. So, I got robbed out of that deal.

Well, the rest of the night has gone smooth, I guess. I watched Saw 2 finally, and while it doesn't have as much character development and plot twists as the original, it was still a solid movie. Worth watching if you've seen the first, 8.5/10. Well, I'm going to stop wasting your guys' lives and let you enjoy your weekends. Enjoy!