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Finding Love After Returning From the South

It's been quite awhile since I've done a blog. There's just been so much going on that I haven't found the time, and yes, doing those things is more important than blogging:P. But first, I'm sure you all want to hear about my trip to Georgia, so I'll keep it short. It was definitely better than the last time I went down, because I was constantly staying busy. The drive down was a bit overwhelming, since it was the first time I made such a long trip in a vehicle by myself, but I did alright. All we did the entire time down there was work, work, and more work. It was mostly unloading from vehicles our boxes and furniture that we moved down there. I did get to hang out with my friend Ryan a couple of times, but it just didn't compare to my friends up in Michigan. In fact, I think I'm doomed when I start college:|. When I went to orientation, none of the new students there seemed like people I wanted to make friends with. It was almost like deja vu from the last time I moved down there:?. I just can't seem to fit into a Southern society, and I'm starting to pick up this vibe again. But, the actual orientation was alright I guess. I got my schedule and an ID for the school. I'm taking computer science as my major, but all of my cl@$$es are subjects I hate. I have to take Chemistry, and eventually, Calculus:|. Hopefully the teachers I have in college will be more interesting than the ones I had for those cl@$$es in high school. The nice thing that happened, though, was that I found out school starts on August 16th, so I decided to stay up in Michigan for an additional 2 weeks. My mom was going to stay up here anyways to get the trailer sold, so it won't hurt. I got back to Michigan in the wee hours of the morning last Friday, and I was so happy to be back that I wanted to cry. I immediately went to my computer and started to catch up on everything I missed for a week on the Internet:P. Being gone for that long screwed up my routine big time:cry:. I eventually got tired and went to bed, thinking about seeing my two best friends the next day.

I got to hang out with Courtney a little while before he had to go to work, so it was nice to see him again. Then, in the evening, I was invited to go along with Britany, her cousin, and her cousin's boyfriend to a Beatles tribute performance being held in a small town along Lake Huron, so I took that as an opportunity of hanging out with one of my best friends and went along. At the same time, though, I was thinking about asking her out. After seeing what I was up against in Georgia at orientation as far as girls went, I didn't like what I saw, and every girl almost seemed the same. I wanted to be with someone who I really liked and got along with, even if it means having a long-distance relationship, and Britany was that girl. We had a lot of fun at the concert, and I took a lot of videos and stuff. We saw many crazy, random things, such as this old lady dancing in the front with toilet paper attached to her shoe accidently, and this guy that looked like George Bush:P. The band was really good as well. I'm not a big fan of The Beatles, but I thought they looked and sounded exactly like the originals. We got back at around 11:30, and about a half-hour later, when I was ready to leave, I asked Britany to come outside with me so I could talk to her. I told her how I was thinking about her constantly, and how much I wanted to be with her. I also told her that I wanted to ask her out, but didn't know how a long-distance relationship would work. She was flattered by what I said, and I could easily tell that she had the same feelings for me. Then she convinced me that her cousin was in that type of relationship, and that's when the light bulb when off in my head. I officially asked a girl out, and she accepted. I felt like the luckiest man alive at that moment. This wasn't some Amelia sh*t, either. This was actual love. I even managed to plant a kiss on her cheek, which I haven't done to a girl in years. I left her house feeling like a million bucks8).

Fast forward to last night, after having a blast on Saturday with open houses and just resorting to talking on the phone on Sunday. We finally got to hang out again after a day, and I was excited. We were all planning on going bowling as a big group. I didn't do so hot on the first couple games, but I outdid myself by bowling a 165 on the second game. I'm actually starting to become better the more I bowl. I used to be in a pee-wee league when I was in my younger days, but that was it. We went to eat at McDonald's afterward, and then it was just me, Courtney, Britany, her cousin, and her cousin's boyfriend at Britany's house. We played a little Rock Band, and then Courtney and I were invited to stay for dinner, so we accepted. It was after dinner that some major ish went down. Everyone, even Britany's mom, started to pressure me and Britany to kiss. I thought it was hilarious, and so did Britany, even though she was embarassed by everyone wanting her to do that in front of them. So, as she was walking to her foyer in embarassment, I cornered her. That's when the most magical feeling I had ever experience filled my body and soul. I kissed a girl...........and I LOVED it:D. Right then and there was when I realized how foolish I was with going out with a liar such as Amelia in the past and even falling for a freeloader like Anony Miss. THIS was love. THIS was what I have been waiting for throughout high school, and it was long worth the wait. Knowing that a girl loves me and is honest and doesn't take advantage of me and is even willing to attempt a long distance relationship when I move makes me feel so happy. I departed a happy man that night, and I was officially in love. Courtney told me he was proud of us, and I couldn't have done all that without his advice and all. He is one of the greatest people I've ever met, and since he's been through a lot of relationship problems in the past, he has blessed me with a lot of advice that has helped me out. You can't ask for better friends, and it's going to be difficult to leave behind. At least we'll be keeping in touch and seeing each other again someday.

Today has been exhausting and disappointing, though. I woke up to loads of E3 news, which I almost forgot about. I was impressed with Microsoft's press conference, in which it had some stunning gameplay footage and trailers for my most anticipated games, such as Resident Evil 5, Fable 2, and Fallout 3. What was the most shocking news, though, was, of course, the announcement of Final Fantasy XIII for the 360, which made my inner-fanboy squeal:P. Now I'll actually be able to play it without forking over tons of money for a PS3. However, when Nintendo had their press conference, I wanted to spit on my computer. What a load of rubbish that event was. A bunch of pointless peripherals that nobody cares about, as well as a bunch of pointless games that are played with the pointless peripherals that are already out, and the only two interesting games mentioned were a GTA game for the DS and another Animal Crossing? GTFO! What happened to you Nintendo? You used to have so much shock value at past E3s, and now it's this? Pah-leeze.

Other than that, all I've been doing is work around the house and getting a little prepared for my graduation party on Saturday. I wanted to hang out with Britany today, but I called and said she couldn't at that moment, so now I'm just waiting for a call back. I am in desperate need to see her again, and just waiting for her to call back is torture. I'd hang out with Courtney, but he's busy doing something with his church today, so that's a no go. So, right now, I'm just typing a super long blog about what I've been doing the past week and a half. If I have time, I'll probably read your blogs and post a comment in them like usual, but I can't make any guarentees. I apologize if I don't.

I'm done talking my head off, so I'll catch you later. If I have any grammatical errors littered throughout my blog, don't be surprised, because I'm too lazy to proofread it like I usually do.