Well friends, Memorial Day is just about over, and I think it's time to start a countdown until summer vacation because it's pretty damn close:D :
Regular Days--16
School Days--11
So, how's everyone's weekend been? Well, as all of you know, I went to my cousin's wedding on Saturday, expecting nothing but the worst. But it actually was pretty good. Well, the actual wedding part was crap, but the reception made up for it. Oh, speaking of the wedding, check this out. Right across the church was a house with a garage sale. And since we arrived early, and me and my dad cannot pass up garage sales, we jumped on that opportunity, even if we were all dressed up and ready for a wedding:P. And wouldn't you know it, I actually found something at that garage sale. The guy was selling a load of pre-owned DVDs for $5 each, and so I bought Half Nelson (10/10) and Babel (9/10) since those were deals I couldn't pass up:P. Then came the wedding part. It was surprisingly brief, lasting probably about 20 minutes, but barely anyone from the family showed up. It was probably the least crowded wedding I have ever been to. Sure, a few family members from Missouri came up, including another female cousin of mine I had no idea existed, but besides them, only a few people in my family that lived in Michigan actually came. Even the guy that was marrying my cousin barely had any family there. But then the reception came, and things turned out better. Heh, it was funny, because some people in my family that weren't even at the wedding decided to show up:roll:. Losers......anyways, it was all good. I got to converse with my 15 year old cousin from Missouri a little bit, which was cool, as well as watch some drunken bride's maids stumble around the whole time:lol:. Me and my cousin had our eye on this one who almost passed out a few times. It was pretty hilarious. She did fall once, but that was it. So yeah, a lot better than I thought it would be. Barely got to see my cousin who got married very often, but oh well. No big deal there.
Then Memorial Day came and.............things were normal again:?. I cut the grass, my mom barbequed, me and my dad went to get movies from the video store, yada yada yada. And I STILL haven't been able to watch Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End yet:(. Oh well, maybe next weekend. Well, I have nothing more to say, except that I hope everyone's Memorial Day turned out great, and everything was safe. To end this, I have one movie score of another straight-to-DVD movie that I thought would turn out like 11:14, but turned out to be a disappointment. It was:
The Dead Girl--7.5/10
Until Next Time, LATA!