Well, lets see, the past day or so has been surprisingly different for me. To start off, yesturday, I wanted to go swimming with my mom, but I also wanted to take a friend along. Heh, some friends I have:roll:. They were either not home or busy with something. Figures. So, sitting at home, my mom stumbles along an old home video in a box. :lol: Man, dont you just love watching home videos of yourself when you were about 4 or 5 years old? Brought back many memories for me, thats for sure.......
WARNING: If you dont want to hear my long story that has to do with the topic title, skip down to the next paragraph.
So, soon after that, I got a knock on the door. It was one of those punk sk8er kids and his friend, whom I used to be friends with back in 7th grade, but not really anymore. Turns out the kid needed to use my cellphone to call his precious gf:roll:. So, while he was doing that, me and the sk8er kid actually had a good conversation, and he even invited me to his house. I was hesitant at first, but after eating the rest of my dinner, I decided to go. Heh, we WERE going to play video games, but INSTEAD, this jerk off 38 yr old man that lived next door to him was over with them shooting the breeze and talking about past fights, doing their gfs, etc. I just sat the whole time with nothing to say basically. Plus, my old friend's gf kept calling on my cell. Yippie, a girl I DONT KNOW calling my cell asking for this kid. So, I left at 6:30, the girl called a bit later for the last time, and my old friend came over WHILE we were watching a movie, and needed to use my damn phone again. So, being the "easily influenced" person I was, I let him use it AGAIN.......for the last time. Cause my mom had a LONG chat with me about letting kids use my cell phone for useless purposes and not to let people use me like that. *sigh* What an afternoon THAT was.
Alright, you probably heard me mention a "movie" that we were watching, didnt ya. Yes, we got a couple more movies from Netflix, but neither one of them were ones I picked out. The one we watched, though, was quite interesting, though (even if it WAS a classical movie). It was:
Bonnie and Clyde--7/10
Anything else I left out? Oh, well, I beat Indigo Prophecy, finally. And I dont get how the ending was so disappointing, unless I got the REALLY GOOD ending. Idk, different opinions for different people. Also, I started playing RE3 some more, too. *SPOILERS* I'm stuck at the part where after you get out of the clock tower, you have to fight Nemesis, though. I keep reading on walkthroughs that they used lots of Magnum bullets or used the grenade launcher, but all I have is 3 bullets and I never aquired the grenade launcher. I DO have the mine thrower, though. *END SPOILERS* If anyone has any clues on how to beat him in these conditions, let me know (heh, barely anyone comments on my posts anyways, so I'm basically screwed there:roll: ) Alright, this is a long enough post, so I'll catch you guys later. BUHbye.