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I'm Tired, and I Want My Life Back

Ugggggggggggggh, this week has been KILLER. It seems like as soon as I return to school from Christmas break, I get homework, projects, schoolwork, essays, and reports out the ass. I haven't even touched my 360 since I beat Bioshock, and it's making me sad. That's why after I type this baby up, I'm going to load it up and play some Mass Effect. But first, my week.

Everyday I've come home from school, I've had to either do a crapload of homework (which includes finishing that lovely book Wuthering Heights, which is due Tuesday :roll: . I've only read two chapters since I went hardcore on it this past weekend:|. ) or work on the Rube Goldberg project for Physics with my group. Mostly, it's been the latter. It's been hell, since it is due next week (along with a parody of a movie to associate the project with, so we have a video project as well. Ours is going to be a parody of Shrek, which I tried to write a clever script for. I'm apparently going to be playing Lord Farquad with a gay/demonic split personality:P ). We procrastinated like hell, which we brought on ourselves, so I guess we should blame ourselves for the added stress. Hey, at least I'm starting to be friends with the people in this group (or at least I THINK I am), so it's all good. In fact, one of the people in my group is this kid named Ricky that lives down the street from me. He's a really nice dude, and he even used to be a stoner:P. Back in 9th grade, he used to call me Pedro because he thought I looked like Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite (so did everyone else, though, but fortunately, the phase passed). But me and him get along pretty good, and I even got him into listening to some Lupe Fiasco, which is hard to do nowadays with these Soulja Boy dickriders:roll:. His taste in rap in the first place seems good, though. However, he's more into rock (the kind I don't like, of course), but I'm just glad he's into a little rap. Overall, glad to be making a friend that isn't a girl for once:P.

And then WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH THE WEATHER? Seriously, we had TORNADO WATCHES on Monday. In January! In Michigan! Is that even possible?! Well, at least all the bad weather avoided my area, but we still got mild temperatures. After the sh*tload of snow we had gotten the previous week, I am surprised. But, luckily, the temperatures are going down to normal territory, which is a big relief. If I want to be worried about f*cking tornado watches, please, let it be summertime first. Unless I'm down south, it's nothing I care to see in the wintertime anytime soon.

Alrighty, just wanted to say hello before I go back to my busy life at the moment. So far, 2008 has been STRESSFUL. Gimme my 2007 back:cry: !!!!