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Is Zelda: Twilight Princess A Disappointing Disaster?

Well ladies and gents, the weekend is over, I am seeing it slightly snow outside for the first time in weeks, and I am about to start my last full week for awhile. The reason being is because I get a three-day weekend next weekend, with exams covering that week like fleas on a dog, and then I get ANOTHER three-day weekend after the exams. Plus, my exam days are half-days, so it should be pretty sweet.........omiting the exam part that is. Boy, I sure do need those long weekends already, because school was rough for the first couple days back. I got crammed with homework, and in a couple classes, I was already hinted to expect some early exam work, even if the exams aren't until next week. Yay, the hard times are back:|. Oh well, at least my Christmas break was sweet as hell, and I had some very fun moments that lasted.

I'm almost finished with Zelda Twilight Princess. Even though I said on my last blog post that it was insanely awesome, and treated it like the best game of last year, I am starting to reconsider that. After beating all of the major dungeons (or, at least I THINK so), and am just doing side-quests that need done, I feel disappointed. I remember playing Ocarina of Time, and since each dungeon was a certain temple associated with some sort of element (water, fire, shadow, etc.), I thought that those dungeons were very entertaining and a joy to go through, with memorable bosses. Uhhh, not so much with Twilight Princess. In fact, the only dungeons I only really enjoyed, and felt that they were reminescent (sp?) to some of my favorites from OoT, were the first three. The rest were just so underwhelming IMO. I mean, (caution, may be spoilers) a mansion (the Yetis' home in Snowpeak)? A fortress (in the desert)? A WHOLE FRIGGIN CITY (City in the Sky)?????!!!! Not dungeons:|. Therefore, disappointing to me. But that doesn't mean that the game is bad. It's very awesome, definately one of the best of the year. But, I hate to say this, but I think Okami is better:P. I just hope Final Fantasy XII can make up for the disappointment once I get into it again after beating Zelda.

Ok, enough of my gaming dilemnas, and let me introduce you all to some new movie scores. This week, I've got one of the most repulsive, yet satisfying dark comedies I've ever seen, a notorious B-horror movie that had a very well known phrase by Samuel L. Jackson, and a war movie that I finally watched the whole thing of, but never finished it before. Here they are, in all their glory:


Snakes On A Plane--9.5/10 (this movie f***ing owns:D)

Saving Private Ryan--9/10

Until Next Time, LATA!