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MGS4? HA! I'm Still Playing GTAIV!!! And The Orange Box!!!

Says the kid without a PS3. Yeah, I've heard all of the buzz on MGS4. A 10 on Gamespot, people in the official thread on GGS saying how it's one of the best games ever, yada yada yada. I like Metal Gear and all, but not enough to automatically go and buy a PS3 just because people are saying how great it is. I'll wait until an avalanche of great games comes out for a PS3 (and I get a job:P ) before buying one. Besides, there's always that possibility that it could be ported to the 360, although I'm getting my hopes up for that one:P. In the meantime, though, I'm enjoying the hell out of The Orange Box. I beat Portal, which is probably one of the finest puzzle games I've ever played. It was very short, but the puzzles and the sarcastic humor blended together so well. Also, the last level was pretty intense, leading into an insanely awesome end credits song. The only other game I've been playing is Half-Life 2. I already played it and beat it for the Xbox about 2 years ago, but since Episodes 1 and 2 are included, and I wanted some extra achievements, I decided to play through it again. Surprisingly, it feels so fresh, even after experiencing it before. The gameplay is so good and cinematic that it is worth it. As for Team Fortress 2, you already know my financial stance when it comes to online gaming, and how fond of it I am, so I'll pass on that one for now.

And since everyone is going nutso over MGS4 at the moment, I'm thinking about jumping right back into GTAIV just for kicks. Why? Because with all of the hype of that game gone and the fact that everyone has played it and moved on, I might as well show some love for it still:P. That way, while everyone is fondling their precious PS3s and drooling over MGS4, I will still be talking about GTAIV:P. Same with Smash Bros. Damn, almost forgot about Smash Bros:shock:. That's mindboggling. But yeah, conformity SUCKS.

Other than video games, I've just been either chilling with friends, posting new YouTube videos, going to a boring graduation party of some girl I know, watching movies, or buying movies. I went to Wal-Mart the other day with my buddy Courtney and decided to buy Raging Bull for $10 because that movie is the most badass boxing movie ever made (true story). Then, yesterday, my dad took me down to the city with him, and we went to a Gamestop that sold DVDs (the Gamestop in my town doesn't sell those for some reason:?). There was a "Buy 2 Get 3 Free" deal, so we jumped on that deal. My dad got one of his crappy movies, while I picked out 21 Grams, In America, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and The Deer Hunter. We also hit a Circuit City, and because I really liked Airplane! (more on that later), I purchased The Naked Gun for $6.99. I also got Dazed and Confused for $5.99 (the lady that rang me up almost charged me $10 for it, which was the original price, but I pwned her buy showing her the sale price tag:P ).

Since I watched a couple of movies, I'll share some scores. I'm too lazy to write reviews today, though.


3:10 to Yuma--9/10 (one of the best westerns I've seen in awhile)

Oh, and my first vlog.

Oh, and I shaved my mustache off for the first time since I grew it.

And that's about it. Have a wonderful Father's Day tomorrow!