Well, I didn't think there was such demand for a movie review:P. Actually, there's barely any, but I see that people are starting to miss them. That makes me fill with bliss, knowing that people actually care!! Lucky for you, I finally went to the movies this weekend. Sure, it was only with my dad, but it was all good. So, what movie was it? Was it Cloverfield, the highly anticipated monster movie? Was it The Bucket List, the movie that brings two legendary actors together for the first time? Was it the critically praised There Will Be Blood? Heh, I wish. Like my local theater would play a superb movie like that:P. Surprisingly, though, my theater redeemed itself by playing a critically acclaimed dark comedy that was about a pregnant 16-year old. I bet you can guess what movie it is...
What a way to end a great cinematic year, especially in the comedy genre. Juno is like the sweet cherry that tops off all of the goodness. It is the story about a pregnant 16-year old (Ellen Page) who randomly had sex with her "good friend" (Michael Cera), and plans to give her child to adoptive parents (Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman) living in a fancy suburban neighborhood. It is told in three segments: autumn, spring, and summer. Personally, I thought the movie was too short at only 91 minutes, because after it was over, I wanted more. This movie reminded me of Knocked Up, only it was toned down to maintain a PG-13 rating. In other words, it was the same concept, except with less sexual humor, less vulgar language, and more intelligent dialogue. Being a dark comedy, it has its dramatic moments as well. That's not to say this movie isn't funny, because it definately is. It ranks up there as one of the funniest movies of 2007. It is also one of the best casted comedies of the year. Ellen Page you may recognize if you've seen the shocking movie Hard Candy. Well, she's less creepy, and more sweet and intelligent in this one. Michael Cera, of course, played in Superbad, and he pretty much has the same character as in that movie. However, I was wishing that he'd have more screen time, but oh well. Jennifer Garner, who always plays in crappy movies it seems, does a surprisingly good job of acting as an adoptive mother going through a tough relationship with her husband, who is played by Jason Bateman. He plays a pretty cool role, and bonds with Ellen Page's character quite a bit throughout the movie (to the point of almost being creepy:? ). Last, but certainly not least, is J.K. Simmons, who plays Ellen's father. What a bond these two share. It is so realistic, and you can definately see the love between these two. Also, Simmons pretty much steals each scene he is in, since he's so hilarious. Like I said, this movie has got a different tone than most of Judd Apatow's movies have had last year, and even though Michael Cera is involved, Apatow is nowhere to be credited in the credits, so this was one comedy that didn't have his name attached that was superb. In fact, it reminded me a LOT of Ghost World. An awesome comedy to end the previous year with, and if your theater is actually playing this movie, go see it. It's not often I see movies with an indie feel play at my local theater, and it's a shame. This movie gets a 9.5/10.
There you have it. My first movie review since I seen I Am Legend:P. I hope to see Cloverfield sometime soon, so be prepared.
I've been getting into Mass Effect quite a bit lately. I've clocked in about 20 hours so far, and I'm probably only halfway done. I just recently started getting involved with a romantic subplot with my party members on the ship:P. It's pretty funny:lol:. Never before would I have thought that a game would allow a female human (which is the character I made) to hook up with a female alien:P. I love the dialogue trees in this game, even though I don't think they're as in depth as Knights of the Old Republic's was. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get used to the combat system. It seems like every major battle I enter, I die at least 3 times. Am I making it more difficult than it should be, or is the combat in this game really that difficult? Oh well, I'd rather have a challenge than to play the game on the easiest setting. I'm enjoying the game a lot, though. I think it will tide me over until Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the crapload of Xbox 360 releases for 2008 come out.
Nothing else has been going on, except for I've finally got my ass in gear and got started filling out an application for the college I want to go to. I'm planning on going to Highlands College located in Rome, GA in the fall for a couple of years, and then get started with my major. I have no idea where to go from there yet, or what the hell I'm doing, but apparently, it's alright. I guess my dad doesn't want me to go to a technical college because it's too expensive, so I'm stuck with staying in an academic college. It sucks being poor. My mom has to constantly remind me how broke we are lately, and it's depressing the hell out of me:|. It doesn't help matters when I'm at school, and I see everyone with their senior pictures, and they have AT LEAST 3 different pictures of themselves, with interesting backgrounds and poses. Mine? All I've got is a typical school picture pose with a bland background, and that's my only picture. It sucks:cry:. Wait a minute. How did I go from talking about college to talking about senior pictures?
I've got exams to study for tomorrow, which are Calculus and American Wars. Yay, Calculus. I bet THAT goes well, regardless if I study or not. I predict somewhere between 60-78:roll:. At least I'll be taking college algebra when I enter college, which I'm actually good at......