I'm getting sick of this weather. This has to be one of the worst winters we've had since 2004. Throughout the day, it's been snowing like no other. We've been under a winter storm warning since this morning. And since there was barely any snow on the ground this morning, they still made us go to school, even though the roads became a mess by the afternoon. Funny, they cancel school because of some minor muddy roads after the snow melts, but they won't cancel school when a winter storm is expected to dump up to 5-10 inches of snow on the ground in the afternoon, with roads that are ALREADY icy and snowy in the morning? Straight up bullsh*t. All I know is, it seems pretty much inevitable that I'll have another day off tomorrow, due to the fact that this sh*t isn't supposed to stop until 1 in the morning. That means plenty of snow to shovel........again:roll:. I'm f*cking sick of it. And I used to like the snow........
I'm lucky I didn't lose control on the roads when I went to the cardiologist's office. Yes, I had to return to that wretched place surrounded by elderly people. I hate feeling like a young outcast surrounded by people that have been around since World War II:cry:. But yeah, I had to return after 2 months to get a heart monitor put on me for one night. Didn't take me long, thank god. And I was extra careful out on the roads, so I made it there and back home with ease. Hell, it was right in town, about 5 minutes away, so all I had to do was keep my speed down to 25 and I was fine. That was mostly the speed limit anyways:P. Anyways, I can't take a shower until 3:30 tomorrow, and the nurse assured me that I'll probably have trouble sleeping with it on. Maybe this snowstorm actually came with perfect timing, because I don't think I could survive at school stinking and with lack of sleep. A snow day would be perfect:P.
Then there's Snowcoming, Homecoming's cousin from the Arctic Circle:P. I had been doing some serious thinking about whether I should go or not. On Monday, I was convinced by one of the girls that I went to Homecoming with that I could accompany them again if I wanted. Cool. But I STILL wanted someone to ask personally. I mean, I've become associates with a lot of girls this past year, and I felt like I had a chance. Then there's my best friend, whom I'm going to call Anony Miss (haha, get it:P ? ). She's the one who I always mention that goes to me with the movies all the time. You know, from this blog post and that blog post. Not that you care to look back on some of my old blog posts, but hey, they're there for reference:P. So, I called her this afternoon to ask her, and she actually said yes. Actually, she said she already had a ticket for the one at her school (like I said before, my town has two high schools), but she said she'd be happy to go with me, so I convinced her that I'd buy her ticket and stuff so she wouldn't feel bad for getting her first ticket in the first place. So, yay, I gotz a date! And to top it off, I'm going to be with the group I was with from last time as well! HOORAY! I hope this becomes a blast, especially since prom's fate is in Snowcoming's hands because my school is too poor to hold a prom unless it makes enough money from this dance. Hooray for school budgets:roll:. Also, I hope her boyfriend from Pennslyvania doesn't get pissed:P. Seriously, the dude sounds like a psycho. According to Anony Miss, he threatened to kill himself once:|. It's hard to tell if she is even this guy's girlfriend anymore anyways because she said to me once before that he wasn't anymore, but they still talk on a day to day basis, and she said that he wanted to take her to prom. I'm confused:?. It's bad enough she met this guy on the internet in the first place (they've met with each other in real life many times after, though), so I'm worried for her. But anyways, I'm just going to enjoy my time with her at Snowcoming, along with the rest of my friends.................including Amelia. Yes, she's going to be there, too:P. We're still friends, though, so it's all good.
Other than that, nothing much has happened. The date for my service hours for my senior project to be due got extended all the way until the end of March instead of the end of February, so I'm happy for that. I've been working on getting an application for college sent off, since I'm still slacking on that front. I need to get my ass in gear. Procrastination sucks balls:(. So, with that all said and done, it's time to play some video games. Or, maybe I should shovel snow. The question is, though, am I allowed to do something like that with wires attached to my chest, monitoring my heart? Guess I'll have to take that risk...
But hey, at least I'm not a part of this:P.