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Still Summer, And I'm Actually Concerned About Homecoming...WTF'S WRONG WITH ME?

Uhhhh, yeah. I must be on drugs, because I ACTUALLY want to go to a school dance for once. Heh, I remember last year posting random pics of kids going to Homecoming because I hated it, but I might be a changed man this year. First, let's flashback to Thursday.........


So, Thursday was my school registration. For once, I was actually looking forward to it, because you get to see familiar faces and friends you haven't seen over the summer, and you also get to compare schedules. Well, while there, AM and KA had a table set up trying to sell these locker shelf thingys for the school, and basically volunteering like usual. I was there with another friend of mine, and we both got registered. It went like this: got a picture taken for school IDs (in which I dressed a little too nice than pretty much every else did), filled out an order form for a yearbook, voted for Homecoming king and queen on a ballot, got a parking permit for my car, and finally, got my schedule. Well, running into people left and right, I found out that there was a surprisingly immense amount of people I know in my cl@$$es, especially AP Calculus, as well as lunch. It's nice for a change:D. Socially, it looks as if my senior year is going to be decent.

So, after that, I decided to hang with AM and KA and their friend a little while, conversing a little bit with them, and even getting the birthday card from AM that she was going to give me the other day. Then, they start in jokingly that they were hungry, and that I should go get them some food. Suddenly, a sudden urge came over me, and I actually DID want to get them sandwiches. I offered to make them some peanut butter sandwiches, and while they said that it would be excellent if I did that, they were skeptical that I would actually do it. I mean, who could blame them? Who in the right mind would be that generous? Well, as crazy as it sounds, I was that nice8). I rushed home, made 4 sandwiches, and returned to surprised faces, a mouthful of thank yous, and even hugs:shock:. HUGS!!!!! OMG!!!!! I never get hugged! I felt so awesome just then. So, anyways, I hung around a little bit more, even getting a chance to meet KA's mom. I had to leave, though, because it was getting close to 2:00, which was when registration ended, so I went home with satisfaction filling my mind. I also went home with other thoughts, such as the actual Homecoming dance;).........

Fast-forward to today.....

F......F.....FAST FORWARD!!!!

So, during dinnertime (after purchasing my first lottery tickets by myself for the first time8) ), my mom asked me if I was considering on going to Homecoming, since she's always wants me to go to events such as these, even if I always decline. That's when I revealed all of my thoughts, about wanting to take one of my friends and all, and she gave me the OK and we both agreed that it would be an awesome experience for me. I mean, it is my senior year and I need to go nutso before my high school years end, and plus this girl and I are pretty good friends, so why not? Then questions started filling my mind. What if she rejects my offer? What if somebody already asked her? What if her parents wouldn't want their daughter going out with an 18 year old, or maybe even a boy at all? But, just a little while ago, for the first time EVER, I sent her an email asking if she would like to accompany me to Homecoming this year. I actually had the friggin balls. So, now, with my heart pounding fast, and not a care in the world other than this girl, I am desperately awaiting an incoming email stating her response.

Could I FINALLY be going on a date with a girl sometime soon? And most importantly, the event being a school dance called HOMECOMING???!!!!! I sure hope so, and I will be keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well. The next blog post you'll see will either be me typing in the most extreme excitedness or me being so depressed and pissed that I'll be cussing up a storm. Either way, you'll probably be scared at how I type up my blog next time:P. Large font FTW!! So, wish me luck and all. OH, did I mention that Homecoming is about a month from now? Yeah, I'm a little early, but oh well. It's just the right time before the risk of some other guy asking her rises.

Well, so much for my Metroid Prime 3: Corruption hype for now:P. I'm still looking forward to it when it comes out, though, and the gameplay videos and impressions are better looking than ever. Wish I could play Bioshock, though, but oh well. Oh, and I've watched a couple of sweet movies, so expect movie reviews some other time. I'm too focused on other things at the moment:P. Anyways, before I have a heart-attack, I'm going to end this. Once again, wish me luck, and let's hope my plan doesn't fail miserably. Until Next Time.....LATA!!!! (:lol: My theme song:P )