:lol: Caught you off guard with that title, didn't I? BUT IT'S TRUE!!!!! LOOK HOW MANY COMMENTS I GOT ON MY LAST POST:cry:!!!!! Nah, just pulling your leg:P. I'm bad like that sometimes........But anyways, I usually don't post another blog entry until like 2 days afterward, but today had been extra interesting. Here's the full details.
First of all, I actually got the day off:D. Yeah, you've probably heard all the hooplah from all of the "SNOW DAY FTW!!!!!" threads in OT, but I was one of those people. But, interestingly enough, it wasn't snow that caused it. It was the icy cold temperatures. They must've gotten down to about -6 degrees Fahrenheit, with a wind chill down to a whopping -25 degrees:shock:. Yeah, one of the coldest days I've probably EVER experienced. I pretty much needed this day off, though, since my cold was still intact and the water in our trailer was still frozen. So, I pretty much **** myself in excitement when I saw my school at the bottom of that screen when watching ABC12 news. Heh, you wanna know the funny thing? Last year, I also got a day off the day after the Superbowl. Weird..........
Now, about the water problems. It took all day, but it's finally back, and hopefully will STAY with us. But it was a LOOONG journey, though. The biggest problem that me and my family had was going to the bathroom, whether it was number #1 or number #2. So, when we actually DID relieve ourselves, I was given the job of gathering buckets of snow from outside, putting it in pots on the stove, melting the snow, and pouring the pots into the toilets to flush it down. But after we all didn't feel the need to go to the bathroom for a while anymore, I was told to stop, so I happily did. Meanwhile, my mom FINALLY called this guy that is basically the "trailer park handyman" and he came over to help us with our problem. Well, turns out this dude already helped 6 people over the weekend with the same problem, so he was a big help. Plus, he was a really nice guy. As I sit here typing this, I can hear my mom raving about this guy to her friend in the living room, because he's so good. But yeah, he was basically teh savior of our waterzzzzz:). And things are FINALLY back to the way they were. *sigh* Now I just need my car jump started due to the subzero temperatures:?........
That's about the midst of my day right there. Wasted, I know, but I'm glad I didn't have school as all of these problems took place. Hell, who knows? Since the temps and wind chills are supposed to be just as cold tomorrow, maybe I might have another day off? I know, sounds like I'm pushing it, but hey, you never know;)..........
To conclude this, I have another movie rating for you. This one my mom wanted from Netflix, and it was an old movie from the 60's, but it was good. And I think I remember seeing some of it from the 3rd grade, too:lol:. It was:
The Miracle Worker--8/10
Now if you excuse me, I'm going to flush my toilet a few times just for the hell of it8). Until Next Time, LATA!!!!!
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