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The Aftermath

So, that was a pretty crappy way to celebrate my 200th blog, eh? Why do I even bother with those stupid dialogue sequences, anyways? It's not like that many people find it funny, anyways. Besides, all I get is complaining from VGK (the so called "originator" of random dialogue sequences on Gamespot blogs), and maybe confusion from some people, with a few exceptions to those who ACTUALLY do think it's funny, so my attempt at being "clever" and "hilarious" pretty much falls flat on its face everytime I do it. Oh well, I still laugh at them everytime I look back at them. It's fun to do.

Well, with 25 days of summer passed (a little bit over 3 weeks), nothing much happened this past weekend. I went to visit my brother-in-law with my dad briefly on Saturday, and when we came back, my mom and I went swimming in the lake at the campground my dad stays at. Second time I went swimming this summer. I'm not holding back like last year. Then, today, we got two new parakeets. Now, instead of one bird, we have two birds now to replace the one that died a couple months ago. They're alright I guess. It's going to take some time to get them used to getting up on our finger to hold or to let us pet them or other stuff like that. They're pretty birds, though. I also made a good trade with my dad today. You see, he has this 20" flat screen T.V. that he just bought for his camper, but the problem is he keeps bumping into it because it was so big. So, I traded him my small 17" for it so he has some space, and now I have a pimpin new T.V.8). Besides, the volume wasn't that great on the 17", because when I watched Raging Bull, even with the volume at 100, it was still hard to hear what the characters were saying. Idk, it could be that the movie is so old that the quality of the sound went down the drain, but still, the volume on this new T.V. seems to be promising.

I also watched a movie that I held out too long to finally see, since it really is a movie that should be viewed by everyone. It's a cl@$$ic, and the beginning of an action-packed series. It is:

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

What can I say about this movie? It's mostly considered a cl@$$ic by many movie goers, casual or not. And I can see why. It's not the plot that does it, but it's the action and humor. They balance out so well, that each action sequence is a treat to watch. And you don't even have to wait until about 1/4 of the way into the movie for the first action sequence! It's right there from the get go, with the famous giant boulder scene that most people that haven't even seen the movie are even familiar with. Harrison Ford creates a brilliant character, and I think he's better in this movie than he is in any other movie I've seen him in. He was made for this type of role. Also, his woman companion is a hottie8). The plot is a little cliched, with the whole "bad guys try to recover artifact, good guy tries to go after them, bad guys beat up the good guy in some way and kidnap girl, good guy somehow recovers and goes after the bad guys in disguise to try and save the girl, good guy saves girl and gets what he wants" plot. But like I said, the plot isn't what's special about this movie. Also, some of the special effects from a certain scene at the end look outdated and cheesy, but yet they remain really creepy. But now, unlike Star Wars, which I just wasn't interested in, I actually want to see the Indiana Jones sequals now. This gets a 9/10.

With E3 fast approaching, as well as an invitation to go out with some of my friends that are girls from school to see a movie, this week could be another dynamic summer week for me. Already, this has been one hell of a summer compared to how pathetic it was last year. I hope I can keep this pace up, and make this a summer to remember. Until Next Time, LATA!