Whoopie! I'm finally finished with my final exams, and probably done with them for good during the rest of my high school career, depending on if I got good enough scores on my MMEs I took last year. Overall, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Of course, Calculus was the killer. Like I said before, I predict somewhere between a 60-78. However, the rest of my exams didn't seem as bad, even AP English wasn't as horrid as I thought. Even PHYSICS! We'll see if my grades will agree with my opinions of difficulty, though:P.
And, with exams done, I get another day off, so that makes this weekend a 3-day weekend for me! That means lots of video game time, some time to hang out with a friend who I've been talking to after school for the past couple of days, and............some time to finally get my ass in gear and start that senior project. That means going to the fish fry tomorrow night at the VFW and doing some service hours. Oh, haven't I told you my topic yet? I'm doing my project on the effects of war veterans' minds after going to war. Interesting, eh? Well, I figure an easy way to do the 15 service hours is to do community service at the VFW and interview veterans:P. Easy enough. That is, until I actually start the interviewing. Talking to elderly people in bars about war isn't necessarily my hobby, you know:?.
How about that review of No More Heroes, eh? Or, should I say, REVIEWS. It seems like that that is truly the first great game of the year. Still, I gotta save up that cash for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, as well as Grand Theft Auto IV. Speaking of good ol' GTA, how about that sh*tload of preview coverage that's up all over the internet about it? This game sounds insane! There's GPS systems, drunk driving, being able to push people off buildings, more emphasis on indoor gameplay, an advance AI system for the police, hell, here's a link to a thread where you can find loads of information about the game IF you've already checked out Gamespot's coverage. The release date seems fair enough. I'm probably going to play the hell out of Smash Bros. anyways, so I can wait. That is, IF Smash Bros. comes out by its targeted release date this time:evil:.
And, of course, I'm sure everyone by now has heard about this:
Oh sh*t. Wrong picture:oops:. Damn you Steve Guttenberg:x.........
There's the right person. Anyways, I'm sure everyone heard about Heath Ledger's death by now. Still shocks the hell out of me, since he was so young, was appearing in the highly anticipated The Dark Knight, and was just having a great acting career overall. I still think his best role was in Brokeback Mountain, and to all of the haters that think otherwise just because it's about gay cowboys," give it a chance. In fact, I think he was very underated as an actor. It wasn't often that you'd hear about him in major headlines or anything like that, as well as being praised for his acting ability. Not until it was revealed that he was going to be the Joker, that is. Interesting fact that I found out about the man, though, and I think it is really disturbing. Apparently, he was named after the character of Heathcliff in the fantastic, cl@$$ic masterpiece that I recently just finished reading called Wuthering Heights. Why is that disturbing, might you ask? BECAUSE IT'S THE WORST PoS BOOK I'VE READ IN MY LIFE!!!!!! I'd rather lay down in the middle of the freeway naked than read that book. I'd rather drink out of the toilet after taking a sh*t and puking than to look at its pages. I'd rather KISS THE PRESIDENT than to read it. I'd rather watch the "2 girls 1 cup," "BME Pain Olympics," and Soulja Boy Crank Dat videos at the same time while riding a roller coaster and eating tuna casserole than to read it. I would even watch a STEVE GUTTENBERG MOVIE rather than to have to face that pain of examining that horrid piece of "literature" again. Yes, I just pulled an Angry Video Game Nerd for you guys:P. But I feel bad for Heath for being named after such a disgraceful character in literature. However, it would've been pretty sweet if he played Heathcliff in a remade Wuthering Heights movie. That, I might pay to see:P. Anyways, back to Heath Ledger. It's really sad that he's gone, and may he R.I.P:(. That picture of him does look badass, though...
So, before I finish, I have a question: I've been wanting to try to get on Xbox Live now, but the ethernet cable is too short. The network adapter is too damned expensive, so I'm not even going that route. Might be a dumb question, but, does a regular ethernet cable work with the Xbox 360, or do I have to buy one that is made especially for the Xbox 360? Or is there another way that is cheap?
I'm off to call the cardiologist so I can see when the hell I'm supposed to go back there. I was scheduled for an appointment sometime in February to get a heart monitor, but the piece of paper that had the date on it got lost somewhere, so I'm going to have to call the damn place. Hey, it beats going there in person, because I can't stand going in there. I only go there when I have to. I just feel too young to be there everytime I go:cry:. Curse my heart ailments:cry:. CURSE YOU WUTHERING HEIGHTS!!!!!!! I don't know, just felt like saying that at the end:P.
Oh jeeze, there goes my good mood:|.
No matter. Just gotta watch this music video of my favorite song of last year, and then I'll feel better:). Well, looks like hip-hop FTW.