Brought to you in part by:
(Just add a "t" after the "I" in "I solves teen pregnancy" and it's complete:P ) It's true. This morning, I've been going all over Gamespot, spoiling myself with all of the leaks found on forums. Found out quite a few exciting things, but I won't spoil them for those that want to remain surprised. Here's a link to a sh*tload of pictures. Like I said, beware of teh spoilerz. BEWARE!!!!!!
So, my first day back at school was interesting. I had a real bad stomachache that resulted in me "using" the school bathroom, which I LOVE to do, since the school bathrooms are ALWAYS clean:roll:. Not the first time that's ever happened, though. My desktop publishing cl@$$ seems like a trip back to my freshman year, when I had computer applications. In other words, pure easiness. In Spanish II, some people I know have entered the cl@$$, so it's all good there. For commercial art, my art teacher was happy to see me again, and I convinced her to let me take independant drawing instead:). It's basically like my studio art cl@$$ last year, only with drawing. And she increased the amount of projects we have to do:( So, guess you can say I'm back on my grizzind8). Then, I found out I had a different lunch period:cry:. And my Physics cl@$$ doesn't have the people that were in my group in it anymore:cry:. Luckily, they're still in my lunch period, so at least I have SOMEBODY to sit by. Calculus............blah. AP English..........blah blah. And, that's about it for my day back.
Other than that, I got the results for the rest of my exams. On the American Wars exam I got an A, and on my AP English exam I got...............(gasp) AN A!!!! Shocked the hell out of me. And last, and most certainly least, is Calculus. Remember how I predicted somewhere between a 60 and a 78? Well................I GOT A FRIGGIN 78!!!!! WTFBBQIDKMYBFFJILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Which translates to, "WHAT THE F*CK BARBEQUE I DON'T KNOW MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER JILL!!!!!!!" ) Never f*cking fails:|. Still, it's the highest grade out of that range I predicted, so oh well. And I got a B for my final grade for that quarter, so it's all good. I probably should've predicted between a 60 and an 80 instead, so I could've gotten an 80:roll:. Overall, it looks like I did well on my exams. 4 A's, 1 B, and 1 C. Can't go wrong with that I guess.
Then I woke up this morning to school closings galore. WTF? And my school was one of them. But I have no idea why. We didn't get snow. It rained like hell overnight, but the temperatures were too mild for the water to freeze on the roads. There's no fog outside. Not all the snow had melted to create a massive flood. There have been no reports of tornados forming throughout the state to primarily destroy the schools. Nothing was said about a massive epidemic going through the schools. No zombie outbreak, no alien invasion, no terrorist destruction, no atomic bomb. So, what's the deal? I don't know, but it's pretty damn cool8). That gives me some video game time well as time to work on some homework I guess.
Got another movie review for you guys. One of my lady friends and I decided to hang out on Sunday and catch a flick, so that's what we did. Still, no Cloverfield or Rambo this time, but we did see:
Three Men and a Baby
This was a surprisingly great movie, despite the critics' hate for it. The story is about three me.............
(sound of a record player being stopped)
What the hell? That wasn't the movie. Seriously, this Steve Guttenberg business is getting a little old. Anyways, the REAL movie we went to see was:
Haha, WRONG!!!! Try again.
Nice try, but NO!
That movie's not even out yet:|.
There we go:).
The Bucket List
Righteous Kill might be highly anticipated because of two screen legends, Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino, coming together for the second time since Heat, but until then, we've got The Bucket List, featuring a different duo of legendary actors, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. It's about two older men who think of a plan to end their lives with a bang after they meet in a hospital and find out they only have months to live due to cancer. The story may be a little sappy, the structure may be cliched to the max, and it may be unoriginal, but still, it's a damn good movie. You get to see many great places, as well as witness an incredible bond between two actors who we all know and love. Seeing these two together is almost like a dream come true, just like it was to see DeNiro and Pacino together in Heat. You have Freeman, who is as caring and wise and likeable as always, and you have Nicholson, who delivers with his fantastic and witty dialogue, as well as his quirky facial expressions and attitude. In fact, I'd say Nicholson stole the spotlight, because he was funnier than hell throughout the entire movie. That doesn't mean that Freeman wasn't good, because both actors were amazing. Even though there was humor in this movie, it is still balanced out with drama, as expected. In fact, it can become quite a tearjerker toward the end. Speaking of the ending, it was well done for this type of movie. It's a little on the short side, and I noticed an f-word snuck into the movie (even though it is PG-13) which could disrupt the mood, but hardly noticeable. It was just a nice movie to view overall. Not the best, but most certainly not the worst. It gets an 8/10.
Time to play some video games. And I could still use some help to figure out how to put up my gamerscore on my profile. Please, just anyone. I'm going to get down on my hands and knees to beg like a little puppy dog if I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.