HORRAY!!!!!!!! I FINALLY MADE IT TO MY 200TH BLOG!!!!! DJ, scratch that ish and get this party started;).
*DJ starts to play 'Whoop, There It Is'*
There we go8). Now, there's food, drink, candy, and all sorts of stuff. Here's the buffet:
Mmmmmm delicious. And now for drinks:
Help yourself. The money in the machine goes to..........donations:P. And then we have CANDY!!!!!!!!
Ha. A pinata. Fun. HA!
And now, I have all sorts of celebrities showing up on the red carpet that decided to come. OH! Let's see who we have coming up first. *gasp* Why, it's................oh crap:|.
*Steve Gutenberg appears*
"Hey! What's happenin my man!!?? Been awhile, eh?"
Go away, please. Just.....please, disappear. I didn't invite you.
"What? But I thought we were like brothers man...."
Who the hell says we were brothers? Man, get the hell back in your limo and go annoy some other blogger. Besides, you're holding up the line of celebrities with your goofy ass smile:|.
*starts crying* "I HATE YOU!!!!! YOU ARE A PATHETIC IDIOT!!!!!" *runs back to his limo and drives off*
DAMMIT! Forgot to ask him for a dish to pass:P. Well, anyways, who's next? Ahhhhhhhh, it's..........oh Christ. Why me?
*Jamie Kennedy appears*
"Yo yo yo homeslice dizzle. Just thought I'd get this here party poppin by showin up in yo hood, dawg. Word."
I don't believe I invited your poser ass to this party either:|. What is up with these stupid celebrities showing up when I didn't even invite them?
"Yo tha's cold, dawg. What chu need is a nice freesty1e by yours truly, know wat I'm sayin? Word. Yo. Yo. Check it. I'm in a store, hardcore, doin chores, score--"
*Michael Clarke Duncan appears*
"Let's go son. We don't need clowns like you at this party."
*gets carried out to the street* "No no no no, you don't understand! I............hey, is that an oncoming car? Oh sh--" *you pretty much know what happened there*
Thanks Mike.
"No problem sir. Glad to be by your side."
I bet you are. Anyways, who's pulling up now? I hope it's a celebrity that's at least half-assed this time. Hey! Look who it is! Finally someone worth coming to the party:D !
*Bruce Willis appears*
"Hey man, how you doin?"
Pretty great, how bout yourself?
"Well with the success of my movie Live Free Or Die Hard, it's been pretty wild. Glad to finally make a comeback to the action genre with a certified 'bang,' know what I mean?"
Oh yeah. Speaking of that, I watched it the other day. Got a score of it if you want to see.
"Sure. I don't mind a little constructed criticism from time to time. Shoot."
Live Free Or Die Hard-- 9/10.
"Hey, good score. And that poster never ceases to amaze me, either."
Yeah, it's pretty hardcore. Anyways, thanks for showing up, and enjoy the party.
"No no no. Thank YOU."
Heh. I'm blushing:oops:.Anyways, back to business. Who's next on the list? Ha! Now HERE is a cool man right here.
*Paul Giamatti appears*
"HEY! Good to be here at your exciting party. Actually, I wanted to come just to visit Bruce Willis. The man is on FIYAH!"
Heh, you're a funny man. Great actor, too.
"Really? Well, compliments are always taken to heart with me, and I really do appriciate it. And make sure you come see my new movie coming out soon called Shoot Em Up, alright?"
Sure thing. Speaking of you, I went to Wal-Mart today and found your movie Sideways for $5.00. Great deal, and an awesome comedy that I think I gave a 9.5/10 to. I also bought another superb movie, Reservoir Dogs, for $5.00 as well. Man, Wal-Mart never fails when it comes to DVD deals, am I right Paul?.............uh, Paul? Huh, he disappeared:?. Must've went inside. Anyways, looks like another limo pulling up. It looks like.......oh hell yeah. What's up man!!!???
*Samuel L. Jackson appears*
"Yo, motha f*cka, what's happenin baby?!"
Nothin much dude. I see you're sportin the Snakes on a Plane shirt, right?
"Hell yeah man. That movie was so much fun doing, that I just can't get enough of it. And it delivers the scares a little bit, too, know what I mean? Like, I wanted to watch it after the filming of it, and when I first watched it, damn near sh*t my pants when that f*ckin anaconda appeared, you know? But a lot of fun, a lot of fun indeed."
You got that right. Hey, listen, I just got done watching a movie with you in it a few days ago. You wouldn't happen to recall another movie with "snake" in the title that you recently just did, don't you?
"Oh right, right, Black Snake Moan. Yeah, that movie was pretty tight. Had a nice, Southern, laid back feel with some great blues music in it. Took me some time to learn how to play that damn guitar, though. Sh*t, it payed off in the end, though. And the rest of the cast was fun to work with, especially Christina. Me and her even bonded a little bit, know what I'm sayin?"
Well, here is a score of what I thought of it:
Black Snake Moan--8.5/10.
*his face turns serious* "Not at least a 9? What the hell is this sh*t? You tryin to test me, mutha f*cka?"
Uh, security?
"Yo Sam! What's crackin mayne?"
"Michael f*ckin Duncan. HOW THE HELL ARE YA!!!??? Let me shake yo hand man!"
"A mutha f*ckin pleasure to see you! Here, let's go inside and reminise, shall we? So, how's the kids and all...." *their voices fade out in the party*
Well, that went well. Continuing on, it looks like another surprise coming up! None other than one of the greatest actors of this generation. Hey, how you doin?
*Tom Hanks appears*
"How are you doin? Hey, I hope you don't mind me askin, but where are all the female celebrities at? It seems like this party is biased against women or something....."
Huh! Never noticed that before! But wait, the hostess over there serving Paul Giamatti is a woman! So, guess the party isn't biased against women:P.
"But I said 'celebrities.' That woman looks like a single mother that lives in a tenement with two children and who struggles with her life everyday bringing home about $10.00 worth of groceries every week and resorts to prostitution at night while trying to keep her job as a caterer in line by day as her ex-husband continues to live his glorious bachelor life in Vegas working in a casino and getting rich, but also refusing to pay the child support of kids that aren't even his, but instead, some son's of a **** who works in a corporate office building who happened to get lucky while she was out one night trying to get some money. That pretty much contradicts your point, doesn't it?"
Uhhhh.............hey look, it's a fellow co-star of yours, Michael Clarke Duncan, over there talking to Samuel L. Jackson! Why don't you go talk to them:D ?
"Well, I'll be. Hey guys!" *walks off*
Got his ass out of my way, didn't I :P ? The next person is..........another legend! It's Mr.--
*Robert DeNiro appears*
"DeNiro, Robert DeNiro."
See? Even he knows he's a big star by saying his name in the ****of James Bond.
"Yup, I'm a pretty f*ckin big deal, aren't I? You know, I get sick of the attention sometimes. It's always, 'Hey! Travis Bickle! Oh my God!' or 'Look! It's the boxer Jake La Motta from Raging Bull! This is incredible!' It's never 'Hey, it's Robert DeNiro' or 'How's it goin, DeNiro?' It always goes back to my f*ckin movie roles I played. Doesn't anyone have any respect nowadays?"
I know how you feel. I never get any respect either in my life. If only someone would acknowledge me for being a good person, then I wou--
"Hey, crybaby. I didn't come to your damn Internet party just to hear that it has turned into a pity party, you hear? Now shut the hell up, and let me through, before I have to get personal."
Whoa whoa whoa! Sorry! Just......go on in:(.
"Thank you." *walks into the party*
Jesus, what's with everyone starting to get testy all of a sudden? Well, hopefully the next person is in a better mood. Lookie who it is! What's goin on?
*Jim Carrey appears*
"Did I just see the great Robert DeNiro walk into your deliciously entertaining party just now?"
Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?
"No reason......" *silence, and then he makes a run for it toward DeNiro like a madman* "DENIROOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"What the hell......." *gets knocked down by Jim Carrey*
"Where the hell is my money, DeNiro?!!! HUH!!!???? You PROMISED to pay me back that money I let you borrow for that expensive hair dye you wanted in Norway! And here it's been over 4 years. Always hiding from me like you're scared. Well GUESS WHAT Bob, I FOUND YOU! Now HAND over the greens!"
"What the f*ck?? This is highly unnecessary you psychotic son of a b*tch!!! Where the hell is security???" *looks over to see Michael Clarke Duncan carrying on a conversation with Tom Hanks and Samuel L. Jackson* "Would SOMEONE get this f*ckin lunatic off of me, please?"
"HA! Look who's the tough guy NOW, Mr. Goodfellas. Getting SAT on by a comedian! Now this has GOT to be the most controversial situation a comedian has gotten into since Michael Richards said the "n" word at that comedy club. And nobody is even paying attention right now, like nothing is happening! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY--"
*Bruce Willis interrupts by kicking Jim Carrey off of Robert DeNiro*
"Yippie Ki-Yay, motha f*cka."
"Wow. So someone WAS paying attention after all. Huh." *blacks out*
"*whew* Gettin too old for this sh*t anymore. Thanks for the help Bruno. I really owe you one."
"Hey, no prob. It really pays off doing your own stunts in your own movies sometimes. One time I had to beat down some kid from L.A. that thought he knew some tough moves and could pickpocket me, but I showed that sucker one thing or two by giving him the ol' 1, 2 right in the kisser. So, yeah, you could repay me by buying us both a round of beers. I could use one after seeing that."
"Sounds like a good plan to me. But if some stupid ass attacks me again like that, I'm out of here. Can't take anymore of this sh*t."
*they both walk to the bar*
But, I thought I only had a Coke machine for beverages..............oh well. Now for my final guest, who I've been waiting for all this time, and I'm sure everyone was expecting:P. None other than Jeff Goldblum:D.
*Jeff Goldblum appears*
"Jesus, this must be the billionth blog post I've been in. It's getting tiring."
Well, would you rather me bring Steve Goofyberg back instead? Huh?
"No no. I can't handle that man. So, got room for Jeff Goldblum at this party?"
Oh sure. Just enough room for one more.........and, of course, the V.I.P. room is reserved to all my readers out there;).
"What? But I wanna sit in the V.I.P. section! Oh well, I guess I'll go sit next to Paul Giamatti. He looks lonely. Well, catch ya later man."
Yup. OH, watch out for Jim Carrey's unconsious body spread out on the floor.
"Oh! Didn't even see him there. What exactly happened?"
It's a long story. Ask Robert DeNiro or Bruce Willis. They were, uh, involved in some way, so they should be able to tell ya.
"Cool. And where's all the girls at? All I see are male celebrities."
Well, there's that waitress that's roaming around. Try talking to her.
"Well, guess that will have to do. Why does she look so familiar, though? It's like I've met her before on the street or something......" *walks off*
:| And with that note, it's time to head in, and mingle with my party guests. Oh, and bring a dish to pass if you don't mind:P. I think Paul Giamatti pretty much ate all of the food:lol:. Until Next Time, LATA!