Day 2 of E3 coverage. Man, is this my favorite time of year. And the surprises and new information keeps coming. I mean, I certainly wasn't expecting a Final Fantasy XIII this early, but a compilation of 3 FFXIII games? Wowzerous. Also, there was all those announced games for the Wii, making that my most anticipated next-gen system. And my eye brow is raising a little more for the Xbox 360, with all those recently announced games, such as Fable 2 and *gasp* GTA4???? Man the adrenaline is just a pumpin. The only system I'm not feeling very well is the PS3 for some reason. I mean, the high price, not many appealing games to me (besides MGS4 and FF13), and it just feels like a copycat by selling 2 different bundles (ala Xbox 360) and what I've been seeing on the controller (ala Wii). Oh, and I wonder where Def Jam 3 and RE5 are. Well, still have the rest of the week, so who knows.............
Anyways, let me steer away from the E3 bliss a moment and tell you all about my weekend. First of all, I got a blood test to see if I have diabetes or any other diseases, and to check my cholesterol, so that was fun. Also, I got surprised when my mom bought me a sweet new Timex watch, since I've had this old digital watch that looked like something a kid would wear, and it was starting to malfunction, so I got a nice, stainless steel watch..........and it wasn't digital either:P .
Oh, and I watched movies of course. Since nobody is giving me any f*ckin feedback, I'll just give the score of the movie I watched. SO THERE:
Jackie Brown--8.5/10
2010:The Year We Made Contact--1.5/10 (fell asleep)
The Thin Red Line--5/10 (didnt even finish watching it)
The House of Sand and Fog--8/10
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