Dang, the first few weeks of school have flown by so quickly for me:shock:. It feels like I've been in school for at least a couple months now. So far, though, it hasn't been too bad. Mostly had my ups and downs.
First of all, for my ups, I've been becoming well-known around my school, thanks to my artistic abilities:D. Instead of staying hung up in the art room, my self-portrait made its way into a showcase right next to the office:D:D. I've had around 6 people that aren't even IN art classes recognize me and compliment me saying my drawing was really good. *sigh* Yup, Studio Art is my favorite class this year so far. Also, in other news, I got a 95% and 101% on my first Chemistry and Pre Calc (respectively) tests last week, which made me feel proud:). AND, I only get 4 days of school this week, so I have a 3 day weekend ahead of me. WOOT!
But that's only 2 out of 3 of my first tests that I've been taking, leading into my downs:(. My ass finally took a beating in that AP History class. Only got a 62% on my test:(:(. And, with all the low scores I've gotten on all my quizzes in that class, most likely I've got at least a C. I could've studied for the test last Thursday, but, thanks to Okami, I just HAD to play IT instead of studying for something important:evil:. Damn new, highly anticipated video games.
Speaking of Okami (:evil: *grumbles* made me fail a test grrrrr *grumbles* :evil: ), I've gotten to that forest, which indicates I'm still not that far. But maaaaan is it an incredible experience. The more I play, the more I'm reminded of Zelda..................and the more I'm reminded to study for my tests:x.
OK, before I explode from the memory of my first failed test (:evil: ), I'm going to end this blog post once and for all. I should have some movie ratings up by the end of the week, since I'm expecting a couple in the mail. One is a sequal to a movie I gave high praise to, while the other one is an independant high school comedy. I'll leave you guys guessing until I have them up;). Until next time, LATA!
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