If there is one day of the week I dispise the most, it is Friday. Yes, I said Friday. Everything "bad" always happens to me that day, even if it is the beginning of the weekend. And today was no exception.........and a little more. I've got the whole story right here:
So, it all started with the rain. Usually, I get lucky on rainy days and the rain stops when I walk to the bus stop and vice versa. Not today it didn't. So, not wanting my mom to give me a ride, or too stubborn to take an umbrella, I walk down and soak myself in the rain. Good thing it wasnt thunderstorming, though:P
Next, I get a substitute in Algebra, which was awful. We've been working on having exponents BEFORE the square root, so it turned the regular exponents into fractions, so it's basically really frickin hard. So, not having the regular teacher there, he gave us a friggin worksheet to do for homework. Yippie.
Then the turning point comes where my day went from plah to clarified as "bad." And yes, you guessed it, it happened in art, too. And yes, it DID involve one of those dispicable seniors that I mentioned before that gave me the fake valentine card. So, I'm at my table just drawing optical illusions (our assignment) and I see him over at the sink being a retard and filling either a balloon or a Laytex glove up with water just to entertain himself and his immature friends. Ok, yippie do dah. let em do their thing. But it was when he walked over to this table with girls that is next to ours. All of a sudden, water gets splattered everywhere, all over my jeans, all over our table and drawings, all over the floor, just a big mess. I was PISSED. I mean, :evil: x10 kind of pissed. I started shouting out loud in class where everybody heard me, and I told people that were laughing to shut the f*ck up out loud, and even scaring a couple of those girls I'm friends with with my rage. It was awful. I wanted to just beat the living f*ck out of that prick, but I didn't. I just used my anger for verbal and facial anger instead of physical. Heh, and there was a sub in that class, too.
So, yeah, from that point on, my day was ruined. Had to walk all day with wet jeans on, so I didn't care if I got wet on my way home from the bus stop. Plus, I had more homework, so meh. Oh well, maybe some Maple Story will cheer me up......
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