gojays''s Gamespot Rank

Level: 25 (75%)
Rank: Defias Brotherhood
Points: 614966

gojays's Emblems

  • Virtually There: E3 2006 Sony Conference

    Virtually There: E3 2006 Sony Conference For tuning into GameSpot's live broadcast of the E3 2006 Sony press conference on Monday, May 8. Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo HD announced!

  • Virtually There: E3 2006 Nintendo Conference

    Virtually There: E3 2006 Nintendo Conference For tuning into GameSpot's live broadcast of the E3 2006 Nintendo press conference on Tuesday, May 9. Super Mario Galaxy and Zelda: Twilight Princess for Wii announced!

  • Virtually There: E3 2006 Microsoft Conference

    Virtually There: E3 2006 Microsoft Conference For tuning into GameSpot's broadcast of the E3 2006 Microsoft press conference on Tuesday, May 9. Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto IV announced!

  • After Hours: Virtually There

    Nightowl. Awarded for tuning into our live broadcast of GameSpot After Hours on the eve of October 14, 2006. Thanks for joining the party!

  • I voted

    For casting your vote, here's a brand-new emblem to add to your collection. By exercising your right to vote, you've contributed to the site by letting the whole world know about what GameSpot readers really think. Make your voice heard! Vote early and vote often!

  • Virtually There: E3 2007 GameSpot Show Groupie

    I want to go too! Even though they couldn't get the nice weather in Santa Monica, these viewers caught one day of GameSpot's E3 2007 live stage show and saw some of the best the show had to offer.

  • Readers' Choice 2007 Chooser

    Official Participant in 2007 Readers' Choice Awards. In a year that could only be rivaled by 1998, this user made their voice heard in GameSpot's 12th-annual Readers' Choice Awards. . . Now known as "Best of."

  • Virtually There: E3 2008 GameSpot Show Investigator

    I'd like to ask you a few questions. This dedicated individual didn't just show up to watch one day of GameSpot's E3 2008 live show coverage, they showed up two days. Chances are good they came with more than a few questions and hopefully found all of our papers in order.

  • Virtually There: E3 2009 Microsoft Conference

    Virtually There: E3 2009 Microsoft Conference For tuning into GameSpot's live broadcast of the E3 2009 Microsoft press conference on Monday, June 1.

  • Greatest Game Hero Preliminary Voter

    This emblem shows that you got into GameSpot’s Greatest Game Hero competition on the ground floor by voting for the 10 additional characters added to the main list. Rock the vote!

  • E3 2010 Microsoft Conference Attendee

    I was there for Microsoft's E3 2010 press conference! No really, I was. I even saw it live, with the Kinects and the Halos, and I've got this sweet achievement to prove it!

  • E3 2010 Nintendo Conference Attendee

    I was there for Nintendo's E3 2010 press conference! No really, I was. I even saw it live, with the 3DSs and the Metroids, and I've got this sweet achievement to prove it!

  • Robocorn

    Hey look, it's a totally original dude wearing armor. With a huge gun and a helmet (a visor?). And he's riding a unicorn. This user was granted this magical emblem for not having any of their user profile images hosted on untrusted websites during The Great Purge of March 2013.