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gokugohanbraves Blog

Have not done this in a while

Hey everybody, I have not blogged in a while. I believe the last time I posted my thoughts was before I went off to college. I have since matured into a different gamer since my last post. Since that post I have bought a Xbox 360 along with a Playstation 3. This left me with three systems, but now all I want to be left with is the Playstation 3. I originally bought a Nintendo Wii, which that in it self was so fun. My friends and I sat inside a Walmart for two days to purchase that system only to have sold it to a non-gamer two years later. I feel guilty saying this because I have been such a big Nintendo fan over the years. It is to the point now where I am not even excited to see what Nintendo does at this new E3. My Wii sat in my basement for months without ever being turned on. That system really disappointed me, but since then I have moved on.

While I still had my Wii I purchased an Xbox 360 which is a great system. I had many great nights of long gaming with friends, but since I have parted with this system. It does make me sad, but what can I do, it is a flawed system. There is some great things Microsoft is doing with that system but it kept failing on me. I would play games such as GTA 4 and in the middle of the game it wold freeze. I eventually got the rings of death but the system they sent me back does not function right. It makes loud noices as I play and it also freezes my games. I was in the middle of BatmanArkham Asylumand my system would just freeze. I purchased Street Fight IV but only after a few weeks of playing the system burnt a ring around the disk. This is not an experience I want while I am gaming which leads me to where I am today.

A few months ago I purchased a PS3. This is probably one of the best systems I have ever bought besides my Super Nintendo. I love the look of the system (it is a ps3 slim) It is not loud when you are playing, the menu screen is very user friendly, and the games on the system look great. I find the controller to be comfortable and the only complaint I seem to find is that the charging cord for the controller is to short. The HDMI cable is great for playing my system on a computer monitor and it looks beautiful. I have a blu-ray player which movies look amazing on Blu-ray and I don't have to worry about my games getting destroyed.

I have had some great experiences over the past 6 years of my life with video games, and now I am have a great time playing my Playstation 3. I only hope Sony does not do something stupid with this motion control rave that is sweeping the gaming world. After playing the Wii, it is just not that fun. The motion control idea is over rated, but it will be interesting to see where video games are in the next three to five years. Thats it for my ranting, and I hope that someone will actually read this and reply.

What are you doing to me Nintendo?

E3 was something I have been waiting for the last few months now and when it Finlay comes I felt betrayed. Everything Sony and Microsoft did I wasn't so surprised, but Nintendo really surprised me. After there show I felt as if they are selling out. It was almost a slap to my face when they showed WiiFit. I have given Nintendo my money the last 10 years of my life. I defended the N64, GameCube, and Wii when people said the systems will never live up to the others. Now when nongamers start buying from you, you turn away from us games that have supported you all these years. Yes, there is a new Mario game coming out, also Smash Bro. and Mario Kart, and I can't forget about Prime, but what else. That is all we really have to look forward for in the future. I want something new, something that will make me say I am glad I bought a Wii. Even the 3rd party support sucks with the quality of the games they are making. I really feel you turned your back on us gamers Nintendo and went to where the money is. It kills me to say this, (and I never thought I would ever say this) I am glad I bought my 360, and am looking froward to playing this system more than my Wii. :cry:

Little about Me

Hello, I guess i will start this off by saying I am an avid gamer, and I just love to play video games. I also love many different types of games, and own many different systems so I guess you could say I love all kinds. Well, I am kind of a Nintendo fan boy, because every new Nintendo system that is brought out I am right there in line. My favorite game series are Zelda, Metal gear, and Mario. My most resent purchase was a Xbox 360 with Gears of War which I do have to say is a great game. I also own a Wii, PS2, N64 SNES, NES, DS, and a PS1. I hope here in the next few days to try and start reviewing games because I recently changed my major in college from education to Journalism to hopefully make my way into the gaming world. Well if anybody ever does read my writing I hope you like what you read.