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Tales of symphonia Revisited

About a year ago, my friend asked if he could borrow my Tales of Syphonia (TOS) for a short while. Short while my a**, as I got it back last week...:x Anyway, I've decided to play through it again after all that time and first thing I find out, Disc 1 no longer loads!!! After a short moment swearing my head off, I went to get the soft tissue I use to clean my DS's screens and did my best to gently clean the disk. The game finaly worked, and I started a new game. After all that time, I'd forgotten how much I love the gameplay. Unfortunately, I'd also forgotten how much I hate Genis and Colette's voices. I played for about two hours, made it to Triet and got Loyd captured by the bad guys. I figured I'd call it a day at that pointand decided to post my progress through the game on this blog. I'll keep it up till the end of the game, but since TOS isn't the only game I play, it could take me a while. I'll try to make some progress on the game every friday and put it on the blog by the next monday or tuesday, if not earlier.